Behind Patton's blood and guts personality was an absolute professional, one of the most competent army commanders our side put into the field; the Germans were painstaking in their analysis of the leaders who faced them in battle, and Patton was the only Anglo-American who seriously troubled them. When he returned to his field headquarters, he normally altered his mode of transportation to an airplane to avoid having his men see him moving back. Do everything you ask of those you command? At war's end (WW2), Gen. George Patton awakened to what Henry Ford had called "The World's Foremost Problem." I mean by that that initially, the SS people were special sons of bitches, but as the war progressed they ran out of sons of bitches and then they put anybody in there. This comparison gradually forced him to the conclusion that World War II had been fought against the wrong people. In the long run, his strategy failed. Although Patton strove to be historically accurate, there was inevitably some Hollywood license. the Soviet border), we should go after the bastards now, 'cause we're gonna have to fight 'em eventually. He then started to see things in a different light. I went home and stayed at Green Meadows. At a press conference in Regensburg, Germany, on May 8, 1945, immediately after Germanys surrender, Patton was asked whether he planned to treat captured SS troops differently from other German POWs. War is not meant to be you dying for your country-it is by making the other bastard die for his. I don't think he should have been characterized as the insane show-off that 20th Century-Fox wanted to make him- which I resisted down the line. Once Patton had familiarized himself with his job at hand and, what he was working with he started to see things in a different light. Published on Dec 12, 2021. WW2 was definitely not a good war. I am saying that whether you call them Communists or The Media or Zionists, it . Links to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other services inserted in the comment text will be automatically embedded. That, like everything else in this Army, has a definite purpose. No surprise, with jews in control. As General Patton said before the Jews murdered him, "We fought the wrong enemy." The right enemy should be the Communist Soviet Union. As General Patton (America's Best General, 4STAR) said in 1945 Post war "WE DEFEATED THE WORNG ENEMY". News reports revealed that he had slapped two soldiers who were suffering combat fatigue, believing that they were faking their condition. General George Smith Patton, Jr. (11 November 1885 21 December 1945) was a senior officer of the United States Army, who commanded the U.S. In Tunisia the Americans had to pay a stiff price for their experience, but it brought rich dividends. In his diary he wrote: I doubted the expediency of blowing up factories because the ends for which the factories are being blown up that is, preventing Germany from preparing for war can be equally well attained through the destruction of their machinery, while the buildings can be used to house thousands of homeless persons., Similarly, he expressed his doubts to his military colleagues about the overwhelming emphasis being placed on the persecution of every German who had formerly been a member of the National Socialist party. Forex Trading is NOT a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme. He could not help but compare them with the French, the Italians, the Belgians, and even the British. General George S. Patton.we defeated The wrong enemy. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed., This conviction, that the politicians had used him and the U.S. Army for a criminal purpose, grew in the following weeks. ", During the same period that Eisenhower was developing his affinity for history, a young blond-haired cadet at West Point by the name of George S. Patton, Jr., was similarly engrossed in the study of history and its consequences. But while some chuckled delightedly over the famed expletives he employed with startling originality, the majority, it seemed to me, were more often shocked and offended. SOURCE: Share this: Posted on December 29, 2021 by John Carleton in John | Leave a comment Most of the Jews swarming over Germany immediately after the war came from Poland and Russia, and Patton found their personal habits shockingly uncivilized. We are going to twist his balls and kick the living shit out of him all of the time. Did George Soros say he helped a Nazi confiscate property? They have utterly lost the Anglo-Saxon conception of justice and feel that a man can be kicked out because somebody else says he is a Nazi. He was proven true by the Cold War that American fought from 1945 through 1989. Dark theme: Off; Dark theme. Hale triumphantly produced his slip of paper, leaving Patton for once speechless.). On May 7, 1945, just before the German capitulation, Patton had a conference in Austria with U.S. Secretary of War Robert Patterson. The two studied the same commanders of antiquity but drew different conclusions. In a letter to his wife of September 14, 1945, he said: , Despite his disagreement with official policy, Patton followed the rules laid down by Morgenthau and others back in Washington as closely as his conscience would allow, but he tried to moderate the effect, and this brought him into increasing conflict with Eisenhower and the other politically ambitious generals. Sponsored by TruthFinder Watch Later. He was arguably the best practitioner of blitzkrieg produced by either side in the war. As General Patton (America's Best General, 4STAR) said in 1945 Post war "WE DEFEATED THE WORNG ENEMY" He saw the demoralization of the Army as a deliberate goal of Americas enemies: I have been just as furious as you at the compilation of lies which the communist and Semitic elements of our government have leveled against me and practically every other commander. Dark theme turns the light surfaces of the page dark, creating an experience ideal for night. #googlegate? He thought we defeated the wrong enemy. Re: General George Patton: "We defeated the wrong enemy". He realized that the wrong enemy was Nazi Germany. Patton is indispensable to the war effort one of the guarantors of our victory. So they began a non-stop hounding of him in the press, a la Watergate, accusing him of being soft on Nazis and continually recalling an incident in which he had slapped a shirker two years previously, during the Sicily campaign. What did General George S. Patton mean when he said "We've defeated the wrong enemy"? HTownWaffen Published on Jan 24, 2022. He was a magnificent soldier, one whom the American people can admire not only as a great commander but as a unique and remarkable man. A New York newspaper printed the completely false claim that when Patton had slapped the soldier who was Jewish, he had called him a , Then, in a press conference on September 22, reporters hatched a scheme to needle Patton into losing his temper and making statements which could be used against him. Breakfast was spirited and talkative. During WWII, he helped lead the Allies to victory in the invasion of Sicily, and was instrumental to the liberation of Germany from the Nazis. . Occupation Zone in Germany, when Ike a five-star general was promoted to Army Chief of Staff. The scheme worked. Several weeks before General Patton died in a command car accident in 1945, he visited my headquarters at Ingolstadt. In the second place, Harrison and his ilk believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jews, who are lower than animals., One of the strongest factors in straightening out General Pattons thinking on the conquered Germans was the behavior of Americas controlled news media toward them. Click to cancel. All of this was followed by a ticker-tape parade through Boston. His behavior made him unpopular in high places, but he was not suspect as an autocrat. WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY BY PATTON.45. Answers must be in-depth and comprehensive, or they will be removed. His frequent exhortation to his soldiers was, "To be a successful soldier you must know history," while Eisenhower regarded the study and practice of history as not only an essential means of learning about war but as the study of the triumph of good over evil. we have had a victory over the Germans and disarmed them, but we have failed in the liberation of Europe; we have lost the war!, Pattons urgent and prophetic advice went unheeded by Patterson and the other politicians and only served to give a warning about Pattons feelings to the alien conspirators behind the scenes in New York, Washington, and Moscow. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. Most of the Jews swarming over Germany immediately after the war came from Poland and Russia, and Patton found their personal habits shockingly uncivilized. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In his diary, that night lie wrote: There is a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. 445 views. Did most of the American riflemen in combat during World War II avoid firing at the enemy? He required that ALL of the men under his command wear them so he did too. During WWII, he helped lead the Allies to victory in the invasion of Sicily, and was instrumental to the liberation of Germany from the Nazis. Posts: 24,713. Better he exited the stage when he did. Rommel, you magnificent bastard! That Eisenhower knew Patton so well, and inhabited a common universe of tactical discourse with him, was one of the more fortunate circumstances of the war. Churchill was a dedicated anti-Communist. We love military heroes, and since the days of "Black Jack" Pershing from World War I and George Patton from World War II, we've especially venerated the general. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I cant see how Americans can sink so low. Gen X to Gen Z - What the f happened? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Guest 0 followers. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. I have attempted to write of my long association with George Patton as fairly and as honestly as I could. But like some other great actors, his signature role left him typecast and the future held no parts for him. This is the only language they understand and respect." Patterson replied, "Oh, George, you have been so close to this thing so long, you have lost sight of the big picture." Patton rejoined: "I understand . After a visit to ruined Berlin, he wrote his wife on July 21, 1945: Berlin gave me the blues. HTownWaffen Published on Jan 24, 2022. In the letter, Patton bitterly condemned the Morgenthau policy; Eisenhowers pusillanimous behavior in the face of Jewish demands; the strong pro-Soviet bias in the press; and the politicization, corruption, degradation, and demoralization of the U.S. Army which these things were causing. I prefer the Germans. And on September 2: What we are doing is to destroy the only semi-modern state in Europe, so that Russia can swallow the whole., By this time the Morgenthauists and media monopolists had decided that Patton was incorrigible and must be discredited. . You can upload: image, audio, video, document, spreadsheet, interactive, text, archive, code, other. But they were not calculated to win affection among his officers or men. The lyrics are almost entirely from Gen. Patton's Diary stored on the Library of Congress website, from which very many pages were downloaded. The Alphabet Agencies and Fake Profiles Part One, Masks and Mandates dont work and where this will all lead in the future, The Entire World Watches as the Political Parasite Class Tries to Disarm Americans, If I hear one more ignorant sheep say when the vaccination comes out, Pedophiles Thrive on Facebook, While Harmless Content is Removed. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. On August 31 he wrote: , By this time the Morgenthauists and media monopolists had decided that Patton was incorrigible and must be discredited. This is actually a translation of a statement by. Facebook is Allowing Child Pornography and Protecting Predators #Facebookgate Part 2. He observed with horror that , Pattons initial impressions of the Jews were not improved when he attended a Jewish religious service at Eisenhowers insistence. . 2 March 1945 reply to a message from General. It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man who leads that gains that victory. LINKS: Patton and his 7th Army arrive in Messina several hours before British Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery and his 8th Army, winning the unofficial Race to Messina and completing the Allied conquest of Sicily. When Patton said ''we defeated the wrong enemy'' was he talking about the Soviets or the Jews? . Patton picked up the GI holster in which I carried my 30-year-old Colt .45. In addition to his other Asiatic characteristics, the Russian have no regard for human life and is an all out son of bitch, barbarian, and chronic drunk. On a cold December 9th in 1945 Germany, legendary American general George S. Patton was injured in a strange auto "accident" on a road outside Mannheim, near the Rhine River. Americans will not tolerate a loser. Precisely at 7 Patton boomed in to breakfast. The end had finally come for our four all-stars, the greatest group of soldiers to ever serve together in the United States Army, maybe any army, any time. Considered one of the most successful combat generals in U.S history, George Patton was the first officer assigned to the Tank Corps in WWI. It was the last time I ever saw him. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese, and from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them, except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. Is the movie Patton historically accurate? Awakened by Patton's boot in his side, the soldier spluttered in the darkness. The quote is a paraphrase from this passage here: We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. The 'tough guy' pose which he adopted in public (complete with ivory-handled revolver in open holster) was warm and familiar, in the best tradition of the 'Wild West'. Displaced Persons: The Liberation and Abuse of Holocaust Survivors. We have the finest food, the finest equipment, the best. Links to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other services inserted in the comment text will be automatically embedded. 2022 Documentary - WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY - PART 2 - WHO WERE THE BOLSHEVIKS. But while we're here (on I cant tell them the truth that unless we restore Germany we will ensure that communism takes America., Eisenhower responded immediately to the press outcry against Patton and made the decision to relieve him of his duties as military governor and kick him upstairs as the commander of the Fifteenth Army. In the interest of time I am not going to speak for this man of great stature but, let him speak for himself. For Patton, leadership was never simply about making plans and giving orders, it was about transforming oneself into a symbol. He was disgusted by their behavior in the camps for Displaced Persons (DPs) which the Americans built for them and even more disgusted by the way they behaved when they were housed in German hospitals and private homes. When the horrified diplomat responded, "You don't realize the strength of these people," Patton scoffed that with the kind of fighting he could give them the Russians might be able to defend themselves up to five days or a week. At the 9th Division headquarters at El Guettar, Tunisia, enemy planes bombed and strafed incessantly, so that the security normally associated with a headquarters in the rear was missing. The brave men will breed more brave men. By that date Third Army had inflicted 1,486,000 casualties on the Germans, including 144,500 killed, at a cost to themselves of 136,865 casualties, with 21,441 killed in action. Let's forget those fine firm bases In the dreary shell-raked spaces, Let's shoot the works and win! For the next three days it involved more than 3,000 ships landing over 150,000 ground troops, covered by more than 4,000 aircraft. At the same time Monty's proposal that Third Army be halted permanently on the Moselle while he tramped on to Berlin did nothing to appease Patton's unconcealed dislike for the British field marshal. 3. Their (the Soviet) supply system is inadequate to maintain them in a serious action such as I could put to them. Eisenhower never had a great deal to say about Alexander the Great, while Patton scorned him because "in a fit of drunkenness [he] took his own life and his empire fell to pieces.". He had studied the campaigns of von Schlieffen and Frederick the Great and was more interested in them than in Napoleon's campaigns, which were more familiar to most American staff officers. Some of the top SS men will be treated as criminals, but there is no reason for trying someone who was drafted into this outfit (). [Patton was] arrogant, publicity-seeking and personally flawed, but among the greatest generals of the war. Why did Pattons comments on the Soviet Union cause difficulty? We don't want yellow cowards in this Army. He noted in his diary on May 14: , Nevertheless, Patton knew that the Americans could whip the Reds then but perhaps not later. 2022 Documentary - WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY - PRE WAR GERMANY - PART 1 . Even at that time, the American generals showed themselves to be very advanced in the tactical handling of their forces, although. 00:01 Tags. . However, like any other occupation or career, success doesnt just happen overnight. Harold W. Arberg, second verse of "The Army Goes Rolling Along" (1956), added to the music written by John Philip Sousa in 1917. Are major internet companies profiting from child pornography? George S. Patton Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It began with a large amphibious and airborne operation, followed by a six-week land campaign, and initiated the Italian Campaign.Allied invasion of Sicily. This page was last edited on 23 July 2022, at 10:38. The attack on Fort Driant was the only battle ever lost by General George Patton. He observed with horror that these people do not understand toilets and refuse to use them except as repositories for tin cans, garbage, and refuse . Though Patton commissioned this prayer and ordered 250,000 copies of it printed with his signature, it was actually composed by Chief Chaplain. But the remark. Americans play to win all of the time. Magazine and Quartermaster Review XXXIII, about Patton by Red Cross worker Betty South, who had direct access to the general at the relavent time, says: When he went to Berlin to receive the kiss of death from the Russians he remarked shortly, "I think we've been fighting the wrong people all this time, but I've oiled my belly so I can stay with them on the Vodka. The Americans (for the most part) loved Patton and hated Montgomery. Press J to jump to the feed. They could probably maintain themselves in the type of fighting I could give them for five days. Category. It would be worse than dishonorable not to see that they have it. Even before the wars end, the British PM expanded his anti-Communist rhetoric. - Patton. Are You Ready for Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 American Style? Dont let any more Russian bastards into this headquarters. After the shaken Russian was escorted out, Patton is said to have exclaimed, Sometimes you have to put on an act Thats the last well hear from those bastards. And apparently it was. We are the better off for that, by many lives and many victories Patton spared others the burden of winning (the present author was a minute quantity among that multitude), and we have Eisenhower to thank. I should not start a limited counterattack, which would be contrary to my military theories, but should wait until I can start an all-out offensive., Your email address will not be published. The hell with that idea. Just a bit complex today. "The WRONG ENEMY" by PATTON.45 featuring Gen. George Patton Jr. WWII - General Patton: "We're fighting the wrong enemy" (by Dr. Peter Hammond). Four good reasons to indulge in cryptocurrency! Patton said to Patterson: "Let's keep our boots polished, bayonets sharpened, and present a picture of force and strength to the Red Army. Kill off the Goddamned cowards and we will have a nation of brave men. I passed a chateau in ruins which I possibly helped escalade in the middle ages. ~ George S. Patton 10 videos 938 views Last updated on Nov 9, 2021 Tim Haschke 1 1:40:01 Britain Should Not Have Fought in the First World War Intelligence. A couple of days later we all went up to Boston and the aircraft landed. Try it out!Your Dark theme setting will apply to this browser only. Allied victory Mussolinis regime collapses. This first part is focused on pre war Germany. Speech at the Hatch Memorial Shell, Boston, Massachusetts (7 June 1945), quoted in, Speech at the Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts (7 June 1945), quoted in, We have destroyed what could have been a good race and we are about to replace them with the Mongolian savage and all Europe with Communism. Would be worse than dishonorable not to see things in a command accident! 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