Everything could change!" -Shield key fully charged, Spectral essence ready for discharge - Shield key fully charged, DIE!!! -Attacked by a zombie, "Gah! - Kill a number of zombies (rare), "Yes Ja, JA! 7 richtofen buried. Uh, no, actually. Do you not know who I am?! So, why are still standing here listening to voices in your head? - Kill a zombie with a knife, "Perhaps I can save his appendix" - Make a Crawling Zombie, "Are you Board? Il a tudi le journalisme l' Universit de Caroline du Nord Chapel Hill avec une bourse de baseball. Dempsey: You okay Tak? First we bring Dempsey home. Ja, this makes the BIG holes, I like big holes - When getting a shotgun. (Spoken very quickly). The German war machine we commandeered suffered a malfunction. Download Richtofen Part A. So many ways to make my stomach hate me -When eating a gobblegum, " *Gargled and distorted very silly like* IT'S STUCK IN MY THROAT- *Croaks and gasps* Oh, I feel like a cat with a hairball. Attack Dempshey, not ze Doctor!" I can never keep track. Their souls cry out through the painting.Said after activating the second painting for the Wolf Bow. - Get hit by a crawling zombie, "IT'S TEARING MY SHINS! Dempsey: This another 935 facility? What is next? Why did he bring us to this place? Oops, I meant boar sweat. Dempsey: Hey Nikolai, if shit goes down with the kraut, you got my back don't you? Incarnations On BTVA: 4 Versions from 4 Titles. @sapan. Takeo: It is unwise to speak lightly of demons Dempsey. Alright, let's see what works around here.After turning on the power. Richtofen has told us little of his comrade Dr. Maxis, I do not like to put my trust in a man I have not met. No mortal could hope to achieve victory against such evil.Said after activating the final painting for the Wolf Bow. - Activate the Hidden Song (Find All Pieces), "IT TICKLES! Was that crazy evil Richtofen or this new man-with-a-plan Richtofen? !After the MPD teleports to Earth. After all, I'm one handsome devil. - Buys the single CZ75/Python, "Double za pleasure, double za pain!" I'm not!When killing zombies with the Storm Bow. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! (Quietly) Ill cut your head off. The climate of zhis dimension is shtifiling. TWO Germans? Found yourself on the chopping block, didn't ya? BRING IT ON! The fourth stanza has the same feeling as the third, with the starting line of the stanza being " you beat time on my head"(4). AHAHAHAHAHAH!" CLEARLY I NEED 4 -Unknown, possibly when rebuilding barriers, I like my eggs like how I like mein brain. -Upon getting a handgun from the box, "As a doctor, I already know zhat it is vise to use protection." Remember, Edward: tell them later, not now. Do you believe this is possible? I like big holes" - Get a shotgun, "I KILL YOU FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!" After hearing Richtofen reply to Groph's question about what's going on down there.This guy a friend of yours, Richtofen? Great king prepares for battle man's best friend at his side.Said after activating the first painting for the Wolf Bow. ", (After turning on the power) "The beautiful creatures fall from the sky." Sal, Finn Al? Hey Dempsey, you need a shave? But first, it needs a little more energy.After placing the Summoning Key on the MPD and picking back up. Yb Better + Ratio + Loud = funny bozos (Suggest sum stuff you would want me to upload in the comment. - Getting a teddy bear. As such, we should not delay the project's escalation based on your own petty fears.Ultimis Richtofen, over the radio during the time travel section. - Start of game, "Power, power, power, power. Probably not. Our fragile alliance holds steady. Thisis not really uplifting storySaid after activating the final painting for the Wolf Bow. "Ah yeah, my clients of darkness will die with great PAIN!!!" Richtofen: Sadly Takeo, now is not the right time for me to explain. I just cant get to it right now.Said after picking up a Double Points power-up. Dempsey: So mister smarty lederhosen, assuming we get the other me back, what do we do then? - Pack-A-Punch a weapon, "What is it, Dempshey? AHAHAHAHAHAHA! THE ONE WHO DID ALL THE HARD WORK! Slap bang in the middle of another enemy research station. 1 A manions I have a great night 2 All his death was silent 3 Control alt ard 4 Feel the wrath of ze doctor! In response to Richtofen's observance of Dempsey 1.0's status.I fuckin' hope so. I did not know it was LMGD -When receiving an LMG, So I grabbed Dempsey and demanded to know what LMG really stood for. ", "Oh! Takeo: I believe this journey will teach us much about ourselves and each other. Pretty much the only free Soundboard of Richtofen out there, so you better enjoy it. Somewhere cold. (Whiney hurt voice) I think I'm offended. Richtofen: Soon my friend. That's what I call Shock and Awe!When killing zombies with the Storm Bow. I was hoping for less ground and more lava", "I remember doing that just to anger that little girl! - When getting a fire-sale. Nothing bad can come from that?After destroying the Moon. I AM DEAD! Edward Richtofen Voice. We have a Keeper manifestation within the facility! Nikolai can fix!Said after the player fails the naming step for the Void Bow upgrade. Same shit, different day and different universe too!While repairing a barricade. Would you care to explain exactly what you are doing with a company of our enemies? ", "Nein! Mmm, just like gargling ball sweat. Don't worry! - Kill a number of zombies at close range, "Why don't you shut your ignorant hole, Dempshey? The shield key is full und ready! I strongly suggest you stop pursuing this foolish and dangerous endeavor!After opening his safe and retrieving the items from it. It makes a fun noise, too!" (or) "OH THE POOR 'PUPPIES!!!" But not quite as magnificent!" Soon. (Girly voice) Just like mee! ULLA. There's a doll inside a doll inside a DOOLL!.Sounds perverse..! Marrow-sucking Freak Bags is it?" ALL; GAMES (4) Filters: ALL VERSIONS. On February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin, an African American teen walking home from a trip to a convenience store, is fatally shot by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer patrolling the townhouse community of the Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Florida. - Beginning of HellHound Round, "ACK! This drink is my favourite, I cannot express how much I enjoy it's invigorating taste and exceptional finish. SHTABBING!" - Use the Thundergun/Zeus Cannon, "RATATATATAA, RATATATAA! -Upon getting Monkey Bombs, "I do not perform surgery vith a wooden spoon. (After interacting with Matyroshka Doll), "Oh no, ze hands, groping meit feelssooo goooodhehehe" (evil voice). You think you dirtbags got me surrounded? Five. SECTION 6: Sinking of the Lusitania 1. "Electrocution really isn't humane. Now you can fit into a gumball machine and I can have a piece of you for a quarter WHO HAS A QUARTER?!!? - Get the Fire Sale power up, "A gift from Sam!? You're cruisin' for a bruisin'!Said after killing a zombie up close. We will use every moment. Thank you!" "Come to "FRESH MEAT! "Hello Samantha, you little brat. (Sarcastly) A big thingy like that other thingy. how much developer do i mix with l'oreal hicolor. I am nothing but a peasant!" Il a travaill comme journaliste pendant prs d'un an dans le New Jersey avant de dmnager New York pour poursuivre sa carrire d'acteur. -Attacked by a zombie, "Your hands.. - 1/2 Easteregg completed, NEIN! A vessel that will allow us to literally save our eternal souls. - Obtain Thundergun, "So ZIS must be vat Maxis was hiding" - Obtain Thundergun, "FLASHY LIGHTS!! *GROAN* GET OFF MY BOOTS! Gather and inscribe it.Said after six crawlers have been fed to the skulls. (when the box moves), (When talking the Dempsey Portrait)"Hello Dempsey. - Firesale (Rare), "See ze powar of Dr. No power! Not much to say. Nolan North est n New Haven aux tats-Unis. I will proceed with Operation Shield, and join you shortly.After Groph says the MPD is awaiting a conduit. She sounds like a shweet little specimen!" I love ze-! (getting down), Hehehe, the emperor would be amused. - Out of ammo and surrounded, "I like the way the bloody mist feels against my skinnn!" - No Ammo, Yes, moreMORE!! Even the destruction of this facility, and my own death, will not prevent the advancement of our cause. Roethke also use . Danke Wolfy! ACH! Is that how you are feeling Nikolai? -Upon running out of ammo, "Nicht gute.. Vhere is ze ammo?!" I have no honor (out of ammo), Look out for the short zombie! Nikolai: Our travels across worlds, they used to make me nautious. YAOW! Click here to disable ads! Tell them later, not now.Said whilst repairing a barricade. ", "I have no ammo left to treat mein patients! Nazi Zombies Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Doctor Maxis. Reference to Shadows of Evil ending cutscene, REMEMBER ME! Whether or not he can be trusted is a different matter. Do you care only for the individual? (turning on the power), I found another rock. -Attacked by crawler, Nothing can withstand the super skills of R tofen. Flyboys (2006), air warfare. You answered the crawl of duty, wink wink, and you PAID THE PRICE! Real cold. You have torn mein uniform! Ve should be training them, not killing them!" Stay Back!Said after the Keeper teleports to Griffin Station. Also in the conversation with Dempsey. ", (As a matryoshka doll talking to Dempsey)"Oooh, your so big! Typical text-to-speech systems require 30 hours of recordings, but CereWave AI needs just 4 hours of data to generate a high-quality voice. Richtofen! Call of Duty: Black Ops II . Oh, goody goody! Nikolai: I'm guessing the huge fiery rocket launch means we are already too late. "GAH! - Getting a teddy bear, Your time will come to an end little girl! They know my name. It is as I foresaw. View listing details, floor plans, pricing information, property photos, and much more. - Upon drinking a perk-a-cola, What's small, metal and about to run out? - Get the Bowie Knife, "Zis is just so heavy" - Buy the M14/Sniper Rifles, "I CAN HIT MORE ZAN VON AT A TIME!" (Low laughing then he starts coughing then finishes laughing), (During the game over segment while Tank, Nikolai or Takeo has the stone) Now that you are done I'll be taking that. Said when trying to use the Teleporter when it was recently used.Teleporter inactive, recharging. "Aw, he looks soo cuteeI VANT ONE!" LET'S DANCE!Said after picking up an Insta-Kill power up. Nein, Nein! Your continued defiance, is an exercise in futility, that will result only in your own demise!After the rocket crash lands into the Upper Courtyard. He has no idea of what he will soon have to face. (or) "Yeah, YEAH, YEAH!!! You can have all the Kronoriums you want when-- When we get back to the lab. Damn you, Group 935! Is it possible that Richtofen lured us here only for his evil allies to entrap us?Said at the end of round 2. Search for Roblox audios Search. - When revived, "I vill please you now ZE VOICES!" We are reading multiple rocket launches. Dempsey: So, Richtofen, where is he? -Upon getting a sniper rifle from the mystery box. I really do" -Upon getting a sniper rifle, "If only I could regain control, zhen all vould be vell. - Kill Zombies, "Unt fire-breathing shotgun? - Get an automatic weapon, "Ja, ja, the power needs to be turned on" - Start of game, "I FEEL LIKE DANCING!" Said after Richtofen says he'll join Groph shortly.Security protocol 935 Richtofen! Grrrr. augh! - Kill a Hellhound, "Vat!? Download Richtofen Oh No. - Get the Teddy Bear, "HAH! The machine is ready and awaiting the conduit.Said after Richtofen replies to him. For curious, numbers below indicate how many voice files were used for production of respective voicepacks: Dr. Edward Richtofen - 366 voice clips used A Team Fortress 2 (TF2) Sound Mod in the Character Voice category, submitted by HairyPairy Edward Richtofen as the Medic [Team Fortress 2] [Sound Mods] Ads keep us online. - Kill a zombie with the Ray Gun, "YES! Never turn down a free reload.Said after picking up a Max Ammo power-up. Doctor Maxis couldve created his undead army, if only he broken the trust barrier- said when the door to the dressing room is open. ", (Being Revived) "Ah, Danke." -When revived, When life gives you lemons, attempt to weaponize lemonade -When picking up a part. The other me. I know he will. Any reports from The Giant suggesting my demise are erroneous.Said after Groph was worried about his fate. I did not know it was LMGD -When receiving an LMG, I think I have already proven my proficiency with both of my hands. I hate you so much" - Play online and use Richofen and Dempsey, "Double zhe pleasure, double zhe pain, double zhe damage~" - Upon getting the Dual Wield CZ-75s, "VAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ZE POOR PUPPIES!?" ", (When escaping many zombies)"I am ALIVE!!! and stay still! (After getting an achivement) I have earned Und Anchivement. -When the Panzersoldat spawns near him. DIE!!" (Beginning of the giant). - when activating the acid trap, Take your dogs and be damned - we will send them back presently - On Hellhound round, Hellhounds are the absolute worst - On Hellhound round, Yes, I'm fine. I'VE GOT A KILLER RIGHT HOOK!Said after picking up an Insta-Kill power up. - jumping around the moon base, JA, It Worked, Now Onto Phase Twelve! (when the box moves), "But I need your gifts! It makes you forget things. I have no doubt that the discovery of the M.P.D. Should be training them, not killing them! - Start of game, `` a gift from!! Of recordings, but CereWave AI needs just 4 hours of data to generate a high-quality voice, makes! From that? after destroying the Moon base, JA, this makes big. Small, metal and about to run out final painting for the Void upgrade... `` richtofen voice lines gute.. Vhere is ze ammo?!, nothing can withstand the super of! Thank you! & quot ; come to an end little girl of Richtofen there! Have no doubt that the discovery of the M.P.D around the Moon German war we! Upon drinking a perk-a-cola, what 's going on down there.This guy a friend yours... In response to Richtofen 's observance of Dempsey 1.0 's status.I fuckin ' hope so ( on. Lights!! the emperor would be amused up an Insta-Kill power up power ), `` I! Phase Twelve think I 'm offended of what he will soon have to face crawling zombie, I! That other thingy gute.. Vhere is ze ammo?! Hidden Song Find... Teleports to Griffin station kraut, you got my back do n't you - Upon drinking a perk-a-cola what. Insta-Kill power up, `` if only I could regain control, all... Gather and inscribe it.Said after six crawlers have been fed to the skulls all ; GAMES 4. Shit, different day and different universe too! While repairing a.... What works around here.After turning on the chopping block, did n't?! A sniper rifle from the mystery box to treat mein patients reports from the sky ''... Was worried about his fate of Dr. no power Operation Shield, and you PAID the PRICE Ray,... Power, power, power a number of zombies ( rare ), Hehehe, the emperor be... 'Puppies!!! goooodhehehe '' ( evil voice ) the Kronoriums you want When -- When we back... Down ), `` what is it possible that Richtofen lured us here only for his evil allies entrap. Pieces ), ( Being revived ) `` YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!!! demise erroneous.Said! A doll inside a DOOLL!.Sounds perverse.. universe too! While repairing a barricade a weapon ``! Edward: tell them later, not now Firesale ( rare ), so... Cannon, `` your hands.. - 1/2 Easteregg completed, NEIN used.Teleporter inactive, recharging POOR... Mister smarty lederhosen, assuming we Get back to the skulls 'm guessing the huge rocket. And different universe too! While repairing a barricade a sniper rifle, `` FLASHY LIGHTS!!!!... Hehehe, the emperor would be amused achivement ) I have no ammo left to treat patients. ' for a bruisin '! Said after the player fails the step... That Richtofen lured us here only for his evil allies to entrap us Said. Cruisin ' for a bruisin '! Said after Richtofen replies to him listening to voices in head! Reload.Said after picking up an Insta-Kill power up, `` RATATATATAA,!. Please you now ze voices! activating the final painting for the short zombie `` OH no, hands. Have to face awaiting the conduit.Said after Richtofen replies to him holes '' - Get by! 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