They are called by inspiration. He is pleading with us to increase [our] spiritual capacity to receive revelation.14 He is inviting us to hear Him.15 He is calling us to follow Him in higher and holier ways.16 And we are learning in a similar way every week in Come, Follow Me. It inspires humility and fosters empathy toward our fellowmen and all of Gods creation. Spending time with loved ones, going to school or preparing for an occupation, earning a living, caring for family, serving in the communitywhere does it all fit in? "Our Heavenly Father asks that we represent Him in the noble work of reaching out and blessing the lives of His children. Living Life. This new version of For the Strength of Youth is subtitled A Guide for Making Choices. One example comes from our prophet, President RussellM. Nelson. But one event changed all of that. Often their grief is caused by what seems to them as an ending. Job 36:26 - no one can know the number of God's years. Transformed by the profound realization that, indeed, God is among us. Nevertheless, Nephi said, I did look unto my God, and I did praise him all the day long; and I did not murmur against the Lord because of mine afflictions.4, We can choose to be like Job, who seemed to have everything but then lost it all. It would be 28 years before it came down. Is everyone given the . They are part of our progress. The process of caring for others allows both rich and poor a way toward refining their characters and leads them both toward exaltation (see Doctrine and Covenants 104:1518). Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith (2007), 284. During the October 2020 general conference, Elder Uchtdorf assured Latter-day Saints that "God will do something unimaginable" as they trust in Him during times of uncertainty and fear. If we earnestly keep practicing, always striving to keep Gods commandments, and committing our efforts to repenting, enduring, and applying what we learn, line upon line, we will gather light into our souls.10 And though we may not fully comprehend our full potential now, we know that, when [the Savior] shall appear, we will see His countenance in us and shall see him as he is.11, Yes, the world is in turmoil. As Latter-day Saints, we are often known for what we do and dont doour behaviors. They bore the strain and suffering as best they could. And that is very different from the way the world sees you. Others feel they are facing the end of hopethe hope of being married or bearing children or overcoming an illness. This principle is echoed in the plea of the Book of Mormon prophet Amaleki: Come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Light and knowledge poured forth from the celestial throne. Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 6:38 provides additional insight: Seek not the things of this world but seek ye first to build up the kingdom of God, and to establish his righteousness (in Matthew 6:33, footnotea). And we should not be surprised to find that the Savior again teaches the core message of His gospel: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy might, mind, and strength; and in the name of Jesus Christ thou shalt serve him.14 He inspires us to seek God15 and live by the teachings He has revealed to His servants, the prophets.16, He teaches us to love one another17 and to be full of charity towards all men.18, He invites us to be His hands, to go about doing good.19 Let us not love in word but in deed and in truth.20, He challenges us to heed His great commission: to love, to share, to invite all to His gospel and His Church.21, He commands us to build holy temples and to enter and serve there.22, He teaches us to become His disciplesthat our hearts should not strive for personal power, wealth, approval, or position. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. It does mean that through the eyes of faith we look beyond our present-day challenges. Being grateful in times of distress does not mean that we are pleased with our circumstances. He is your strength. We all need them every day. Elder Uchtdorf teaches that Jesus Christ is the best guide for making choices. In a way, this is what the Pharisees of Jesuss day tried to do. If you are tempted to give up: Stay yet a little longer. I am reminded of a time in the Saviors life when many abandoned Him.10 Jesus asked His twelve disciples: Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Elder Johnson teaches that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be cleansed of our sins and imperfections. Once there was a man who dreamed that he was in a great hall where all the religions of the world were gathered. The important part of Mr. Uchtdorf's message at General Conference is what he didn't say. In this talk, President Uchtdorf shares the powerful lesson that Heavenly Father will never forget us and what we can do to never forget Him. Elder McConkie teaches about the importance of learning about Jesus Christ and helping one another come unto Him. That has been the pattern from the days of Adam until now., Spiritual landmarks like daily prayer, scripture study and approaching God in humility and honesty can help keep one on the path. When they read the holy scriptures3 and live the teachings of His prophets, they grow closer to the Savior they love so much. When his brothers tied him up on the shipwhich he had built to take them to the promised landhis ankles and wrists were so sore they had swollen exceedingly, and a violent storm threatened to swallow him up in the depths of the sea. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Very few of us will ever be asked to sacrifice our lives for the Savior. Many issues become nonissues! I believe He would start by expressing His deep love for you. Elder Bednar uses the parable of the royal marriage feast to teach that, through the righteous use of our moral agency, we can choose to be chosen of the Lord. Our children and youth are invited to grow in a balanced way as they follow Jesus Christ, who as a young man increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man (Luke 2:52). That your potential is limitless. And, to be perfectly frank, there have been times when members or leaders in the Church have simply made mistakes. But those who set aside the bottle of bitterness and lift instead the goblet of gratitude can find a purifying drink of healing, peace, and understanding. The scriptures say that, to God, our sacrifices are more sacred than our accomplishments (see Doctrine and Covenants 117:13). God will not allow His Church to drift from its appointed course or fail to fulfill its divine destiny. But if you seek the pure doctrine of Christ, the word of God which healeth the wounded soul,9 and the sanctifying influence of the Holy Ghost, then here you will find them. Read and listen here As a child, when I would look at the little forget-me-nots, I sometimes felt a little like that flowersmall and insignificant. Here you will find the authority to act in His nameto baptize for the remission of sins, to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost, and to seal on earth and in heaven.1. He emphasized the need for daily introspection and restoration as a spiritual landmark. But we do not need to hang our heads in despair, because we can trust God, we can trust His Son, Jesus Christ, and we can accept the gift of the Spirit to guide us on this path toward a life filled with joy and divine happiness.12. He also introduces the new For the Strength of Youth guide. I've been watching conference since October 2013 and, in between conferences, I think I've listened to every conference from 2005 forward (as well as every talk I can find from Eyring, Holland, and Monson.) Elder Uchtdorf teaches that Jesus Christ is the best guide for making choices. I testify that this is true, as I also testify that Jesus Christ is our Master, our Redeemer, and our one and only Way back to our beloved Father in Heaven. Sooner or later, I believe that all of us experience times when the very fabric of our world tears at the seams, leaving us feeling alone, frustrated, and adrift. Come, join with us! In any circumstance, our sense of gratitude is nourished by the many and sacred truths we do know: that our Father has given His children the great plan of happiness; that through the Atonement of His Son, Jesus Christ, we can live forever with our loved ones; that in the end, we will have glorious, perfect, and immortal bodies, unburdened by sickness or disability; and that our tears of sadness and loss will be replaced with an abundance of happiness and joy, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over.10, It must have been this kind of testimony that transformed the Saviors Apostles from fearful, doubting men into fearless, joyful emissaries of the Master. We dedicate it to Him and His holy purposes.10 We receive the talents that the Lord has given us and strive to increase them, manifold, to become even more helpful in building the Lords kingdom.11. May we ever and constantly raise our voices and show by word and deed our gratitude to our Father in Heaven and to His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. To help you find the Way and to help you make Christs doctrine the guiding influence in your life, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has prepared a new resource, a revised version of For the Strength of Youth. In their zeal to stop people from breaking the law, they compiled hundreds of rules based on their understanding of sacred writings. In his message directed to those of the rising generation, he reminded youth that Jesus Christ is their strength. The following is a summary of what he said. But whenever I watch someone learning to ride a bike for the first time, Im reminded that its not easy balancing yourself on those two narrow wheels. It was an anxious time for me, but it must have been terrifying for my beloved parents. He is the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by [Jesus Christ].4 That is the Way and our ultimate destination. There are few members of the Church who, at one time or another, have not wrestled with serious or sensitive questions. The waiter could scarcely wait for the mans reaction. He would tell you that you can do this. It focuses on values, principles, and doctrine instead of every specific behavior. I earnestly pray that your own search for truth will impress upon your heart the desire to come and join with us. As it was with the citizens of Berlin, so it can be with us. Lift Where You Stand, 2008. That movement creates differences in air pressure that give the plane lift. They accepted with courage and determination the torture, humiliation, and even death that would come to them because of their testimony.12 They were not deterred from praising and serving their Lord. The doubting He would infuse with faith and courage to believe. May we live in thanksgiving daily18especially during the seemingly unexplainable endings that are part of mortality. Everyones situation is different, and the details of each life are unique. But I see youre back to giving only two slices of bread., My dear brothers and sisters, the choice is ours. When they receive sacred priesthood ordinances and make covenants with God, they can feel His power in their lives.2 When they enter the holy temple, they sense they are in His presence. Why is this? The Savior is the motivating power behind all that we do. To those who have separated themselves from the Church, I say, my dear friends, there is yet a place for you here. When you have important choices to make, Jesus Christ and His restored gospel are the best choice. I am sure they had flaws, but not to me. If you could see into our hearts, you would probably find that you fit in better than you suppose. Mosiah 4:29. Elder Renlund teaches how to receive personal revelation through the Holy Ghost and how to avoid deception. He would want you to see yourself the way He sees you. And I would ask him to invite Jesus Christ into his life, for God is among us! Brothers and sisters, dear friends, we need your unique talents and perspectives. The people of the Book of Mormon lived on the other side of the globetheir histories, cultures, and political climates were vastly different from the people Jesus taught during His mortal ministry. In spite of our human imperfections, I am confident that you will find among the members of this Church many of the finest souls this world has to offer. President Nelson affirms the Lords teachings about abuse and testifies that God is the source of all truth. The Apostle Paul compared it to looking through a glass, darkly.9 Theres a lot of confusion in the world about what is right and wrong. How to distribute your time and energy among your many important tasks will vary from person to person and from one season of life to another. The Lord Jesus Christ spoke once again to the world. Our daily walk with Jesus Christ leads to peace and purpose in this life and profound joy and eternal salvation in the world to come. It is filled with people who desire with all their heart to keep the commandments, even if they havent mastered them yet. Join with us! We can choose to be like the Prophet Joseph Smith, who, while a prisoner in miserable conditions in Liberty Jail, penned these inspired words: Dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.7. Those who suffer or grieve find healing here. Actually, it is not that simple. Throughout the ages, God has spoken through His servants, the prophets. In other words, Im suggesting that instead of being thankful for things, we focus on being thankful in our circumstanceswhatever they may be. Focus on your destination. It is so humbling to know that this magnificent and supernal future is possiblenot because of who we are but because of who God is. In the cold of bitter sorrow, we can experience the closeness and warmth of heavens embrace. Knowing this, how could we ever murmur or remain embittered? The Savior would sense that, and I believe He would assure you with words He has spoken in the scriptures: I dont think He would make excuses for your mistakes. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks during the Sunday afternoon session of the 192nd Annual General Conference held in the Conference Center on April 3, 2022. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints My beloved friends, your Heavenly Father loves you with a perfect love. Tools. Come heed the call of the gentle Christ. That with His help, there are no limits to what you can accomplish. And yes, we have weaknesses. Also President Uchtdorf doesn't speak in his native German (although he jokingly began to for a second while conducting). We are eternal beings, children of the Almighty God, whose name is Endless13 and who promises eternal blessings without number. But you can manage when you know who you are, why you are here, and when you trust God. What qualifies someone to preach the gospel? Tracy Y. Browning Seeing More of Jesus Christ in Our Lives Sister Browning encourages us to see our lives from a gospel perspective in order to see more of the Savior in our lives. I will always think of them as being bigger than lifeangels of light and glory, ministers of compassion, goodness, and truth. It may break our hearts when their journey takes them away from the Church we love and the truth we have found, but we honor their right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience, just as we claim that privilege for ourselves.5. How grateful I am to my Heavenly Father that in His plan there are no true endings, only everlasting beginnings. Those who follow this path faithfully avoid many of the pitfalls, sorrows, and regrets of life. Why would anyone want to join such a church?, The couple smiled and said, We thought you would never ask.. No mortal being advances from crawling to walking to running without frequent stumbles, bumps, and bruises. Elder Uchtdorf posted on Facebook on Aug. 11 about the 60-year anniversary of the beginning of construction on the Berlin Wall. You need to put your trust in Jesus Christ. Real and relatable conversations centered around the Come, Follow Me weekly lessons using the official curriculum of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. First, this Church was restored in our day by Jesus Christ Himself. "Honestly acknowledge your questions and your concerns, but first and forever fan the flame of your faith because all things are possible to them that believe.". The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Your Heavenly Father is the most glorious being in the universe, full of love, joy, purity, holiness, light, grace, and truth. From 1965-1996, he was a pilot, captain and corporate executive for the German airline, Lufthansa. If I could go back in time, I would comfort him and tell him to stay on the right track and keep searching. This is how we offer our whole soulsby sacrificing anything thats holding us back and consecrating the rest to the Lord and His purposes. Presented by Seagull Book. "Lord, I Believe" - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. Knock, and it will be opened unto you.28 Trust the Lord.29. It is a starting question for us as we contemplate becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. Despite past heartache, each of us can begin again, he wrote. Doctrine and Covenants 59:7; see also Ephesians 5:20; 1Thessalonians 5:18; Mosiah 26:39; Alma 7:23; Doctrine and Covenants 98:1. In this Church that honors personal agency so strongly, that was restored by a young man who asked questions and sought answers, we respect those who honestly search for truth. To you, my dear brothers and sisters, my dear friends, and to all who are searching for answers, truth, and happiness, I do offer the same counsel: keep searching with faith and patience.27, Ask, and you will receive. Instead of dwelling on them and feeling irredeemable or hopeless, we can learn from them and feel hopeful.8 The cleansing gift of repentance allows us to leave our sins behind and emerge a new creature.9. Principles are eternal and universal. However, there are some who leave the Church they once loved. the most worth is becoming transformed by the Savior, the one thing linking the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, shared an important lesson about missionary work, Read more October 2021 general conference coverage. It is contained in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Without landmarks, it is human nature to drift off course. During a BYU Education Week devotional on Aug. 17, Elder Uchtdorf, Elder Uchtdorf spoke twice during the Seminar for New Mission Leaders in June on how, In an interview with the Church News, Elder Uchtdorf. An Offering unto Him Just days before He gave His life for us, Jesus Christ was at the temple in Jerusalem, watching people make donations to the temple treasury. When I read this footnote, I had an interesting realizationeven the subheadings of a . Jesus taught that our offering may be large or it may be small, but either way, it must be our heartfelt all. You know how best to groom yourself. We do not shame or attack others. And I speak to all who love our young people and want them to succeed in life. President Nelson recently spoke of the need for each of us to remove, with the Saviors help, the old debris in our lives. President Ballard teaches us that as we follow Jesus Christ in faith, He will help us through difficult times, just as He did the pioneers. To be very clear, the best guide you can possibly have for making choices is Jesus Christ. Years later, following Elder Uchtdorf. A third reason why people join the Church is because walking the path of discipleship leads to precious blessings. Because of Gods perfect love for us and the eternal sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our sinsboth great and smallcan be blotted out and remembered no more.6 We can stand before Him pure, worthy, and sanctified. Of course not. Recognizing the demands of his professional life, they said to him, If you feel that you are too busy and shouldnt accept the call, then thats your privilege. He answered that his decision about whether or not to serve when called was made long ago, when he and his wife made temple covenants with the Lord. Staying balanced is all about moving forward. Put your trust in Jesus Christ. Two hundred years ago, the Savior again returned to earth. In fact, it impressed Him so deeply that he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.1. Yes, we cherish all the principles of the gospel. My dear friends, let me repeat, if the Savior were standing here today, He would express His endless love for you, His complete confidence in you. From that day forward, the heavens opened, and heavenly messengers descended from halls of immortal glory. It requires letting some things go and letting other things grow. Most of all, those who succeed in balancing on a bicycle learn these important tips: Keep your eyes on the road in front of you. In light of what we know about our eternal destiny, is it any wonder that whenever we face the bitter endings of life, they seem unacceptable to us? It takes patience. President Nelson exemplified this approach when he taught us about honoring the Sabbath day: In my much younger years, I studied the work of others who had compiled lists of things to do and things not to do on the Sabbath. This takes steady effort. Recommended Posts. Just as forward momentum keeps a bicycle balanced and upright, moving forward helps an aircraft overcome the pull of gravity and drag. Those burdened with sin find forgiveness, liberty, and rest. The Savior always teaches timeless truths. The gospel message they offered transcended politics, history, grudges, grievances, and personal agendas. The latter, while it may have accomplished more monetarily, was not a sacrifice, and it left the giver unchanged. Inspiration Life Help. Some of our dear members struggle for years with the question whether they should separate themselves from the Church. All rights reserved. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. You do not need to see the Savior, as the Apostles did, to experience the same transformation. None of us is quite as Christlike as we know we should be. But we are all invited to consecrate our lives to Him. Matthew 14:27; John 16:33; Doctrine and Covenants 61:36; 68:6; 78:18. But in spite of this, the eternal truth of the restored gospel found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not tarnished, diminished, or destroyed. To the Lord, the value of the donation was measured not by the effect it had on the treasury but by the effect it had on the heart of the donor. 2010-2019. I realize that He has not doomed His children to stumble through mortality without hope for a bright and eternal future. It might sound contrary to the wisdom of the world to suggest that one who is burdened with sorrow should give thanks to God. For this I pray, and leave you my testimony and blessing, in the name of our Master, Jesus Christ, amen. Ultimately, it is our desires that qualify us for the work of proclaiming the word of God (see Doctrine and Covenants 4:3). Come, join with us! As we seek to purify our lives and look unto Christ in every thought,12 everything else begins to align. Over the years, I have had the sacred opportunity to meet with many people whose sorrows seem to reach the very depths of their soul. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. Together with God the Father, He appeared to a 14-year-old Joseph Smith and ushered in the Restoration of the gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ. Elder Morrison teaches us how the Lord strengthens us and helps us when we exercise faith in Him during difficult times. When the Apostles recognized the risen Christwhen they experienced the glorious Resurrection of their beloved Saviorthey became different men. Anciently, Gods people sacrificed the firstlings of their flocks in honor of the coming Messiah. To me, these young men and women were perfect. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf began his Sunday morning conference address by relating the story of a large statue of Jesus that was severely damaged during a World War II bombing of a city. As disciples of Christ, we are commanded to thank the Lord [our] God in all things,1 to sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving,2 and to let [our] heart be full of thanks unto God.3. Do you pay your people for all the work they do? the man asked. If these are your desires, then regardless of your circumstances, your personal history, or the strength of your testimony, there is room for you in this Church. The problem is that we dont always see things as clearly as we would like to. While the world was drowning in cynicism, bitterness, hatred, and fear, the example and teachings of these young people filled me with hope. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . We can choose to be like the Mormon pioneers, who maintained a spirit of gratitude during their slow and painful trek toward the Great Salt Lake, even singing and dancing and glorying in the goodness of God.6 Many of us would have been inclined to withdraw, complain, and agonize about the difficulty of the journey. Its a wonderful way to get some exercise while also spending time together. Worldwide - English. Ten hours of people giving talks? the man wondered. Perhaps focusing on what we are grateful for is the wrong approach. For examples of pioneers who maintained a cheerful attitude despite intense difficulty, see AndrewD. Olsen, The Price We Paid: The Extraordinary Story of the Willie and Martin Handcart Pioneers (2006), 10, 36667. It teaches you how to make righteous choices based on those eternal truths.13. The Lord, through His prophets, has always been guiding us in that direction. Elder Cook teaches about the importance of gaining our own testimonies of Jesus Christ, repenting of our sins, and staying true to God and His work. As we seek to follow Jesus Christ and walk the path of discipleship, line upon line, the day will come that we will experience that unimaginable gift of receiving a fulness of joy. President Eyring shows how his mother and the prophet Mormon encouraged their posterity to qualify for eternal life through all the trials of mortality. Some are facing the end of a cherished relationship, such as the death of a loved one or estrangement from a family member. Faith is to hope for things which are not seen but which are true.7. He asks us to stand firm with the power of the priesthood in our hearts and souls and give the calling we have at this moment our best efforts. There are many reasons for this, but may I offer a few? The guest replied that everything was fine, but it would have been better if they had served more bread. The more we learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ, the more we realize that endings here in mortality are not endings at all. What would that be like? And your efforts are purifying your heart and preparing you for a glorious future. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, center, gives a thumbs up to a conferencegoer prior to the church's 192nd Annual General Conference at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City on Saturday, April 2, 2022. Sister Browning encourages us to see our lives from a gospel perspective in order to see more of the Savior in our lives. Its the purpose behind His great plan of happiness, His Church, His priesthood, the scripturesall of it. In fact, most of the scriptural references do not speak of gratitude for things but rather suggest an overall spirit or attitude of gratitude. We love you, President Nelson, and I encourage everyone everywhere to study and heed your words. Being grateful in our circumstances is an act of faith in God. Of this I bear my solemn witness as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and leave you my heartfelt blessing in deep gratitude and love for you, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 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