Aloe - To find a new lover. Attracts healing vibrations, great for protection and healing sachets. If you enjoy drinking hot mate, you can spill it on the ground to break off a relationship. Carry in a sachet while gambling to draw luck and money. The five points of the leaf represent love, money, health, power, and wisdom. This plant is also called devils dung because it has a foul smell and taste. May I be powerful, and nothing go wrong Use red candles (the traditional color for power), or white (to encourage inner peace). Use in sachets and amulets for powerful auric protection. Its great to drive off hostile spirits. Repels insects and balances mind and body. Is it finding new love or making the existing one healthier than ever? This plant is associated with protection and health benefits. Use juniper oil in magickal workings to increase money and prosperity. For more potent magick, combine it with crystals that also correspond to the Sun, such as diamond, citrine, yellow jasper, and topaz. Dried flowers can be burned as incense. It helps you overcome depression. Its associated with money, lust, and passion. Helps with mental clarity during ritual and it stimulates creativity. Place ivy around the base of a yellow candle on a Tuesday to know the name of your adversary. Hang them around your home or in your car for protection. Carry for protection, to improve psychic abilities and to bring good health. Rinse with a potion of burdock to remove negative feelings about yourself or others. This summer plant, commonly called pigweeds, aids healing, summoning spirits, and provides protection from bullets. Place a bowl of blessed thistle in a room to renew the vitality and strengthen the spirit of its occupants. Its frequently burned as incense during the spring Equinox Sabbath. Use along with garlic and rosemary to banish evil. Also Called: Sacred Bark, Purshiana Bark, Persian Bark, Chittem Bark, Bearberry. Add aromatics: ginger (increased energy), cinnamon (protection from adversarial figures), rose (improved awareness), lily of the valley (clear mindedness), and sage (wisdom). Today I, spellcaster Maxim, will try to lift the veil of secrecy and let the uninitiated into the sacral mysteries . Our other criteria for picking the best nootropics for confidence include: Has to be highly effective and work fast; Extremely low risk of side effects; It has passed our personal tests Or if theres no space for a garden, cooking can become a healing ritual anyone can experience in the comfort of their homes. Nature has been for ages the foundation of medicine. Cinnamon Cinnamon has been in use since 2000 BC by Ancient Egyptians. Do not consume its berries since they are poisonous. You can aslo mix with salt and scatter it around your house to secure your home against evil energies. Carry or burn the flowers to draw wealth and money. Aids communication and helps to open dialogs. The five points of the leaf represent love, money, health, power, and wisdom. Hang in the home for protection. Then, you know that herbs can be used for magick and medicinal purposes. Rowan wood is often used to make wands and divining rods. Familial background plays a major role in the development of our character traits, weaknesses, and recurring life struggles. In herbalism, Sands says, roses are believed to help calm the nervous system and heal the heart center. Magickal uses include love, beauty, protection, healing and lust. Used in Pagan union rituals because it is associated with love, lust, virility and fertility. Carry as an amulet or use in sachets for luck, attracting money. Henbane is also known as: Hogs Bean, Devils Eye, Henbells, Sukran. Use sugar in love spells if you want to attract an unknown male. This herb protects against negativity and dark magick. Here, in theMagickalCat, we want to witness your magic! Believe it or not, youre probably using herbs with great healing properties. In addition to those listed below, be sure to read about 9 Healing Herbs for Your Magical Medicine Cabinet. Wear around the neck for health and protection against the evil eye. There's virtually no end to the way these herbs are used; they can be stuffed in sachets, drunk as teas, ground into powders, infused into baths . Snake Vine will help, whose delicate yellow flowers are able to restore confidence in yourself and will help you get out of the sphere of negativity that the prejudices and gossips have created around you. Also Called: Orange Mint. Use with rose quartz in your self love rituals to clean intentions and remind your subconscious mind that You are your own reward.. But you can gather the betel leaves to bring protection. The magical properties of lavender are quite extensive and evoke feelings of relaxation and peace. Its also known as Black Creeper, Sariva, Kalisar, Dudhilata, Sugandhi, Red Sarsaparilla, Tu Fu Ling, and Dwipautra. "Chamomile is one of the best herbs for friendship, luck, money and healing," says Sands. Long used as a divinatory offering, in consecration and to raise the spiritual vibrations of a place. It reduces anxiety and in other cases, it can help overcome depression. Maybe you're familiar with the benefits of sage, having used it before to clear out negative energy left behind by repulsive couches and even more repulsive exes. Wear this plant to provide protection against evil, negativity, any attackers, and the temptation to commit adultery. Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and shes personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life. Also known as Scotch Heather. Also Called: Aarons Rod, Woundwort, Sweet Goldenrod, and Solidago. Also known as Stellaria Media, this weed has healing, protective, balance, and fidelity properties. Use incense for protection whenever you meditate. To attract sensual love, place seven apple seeds in a bag with Orris Root, which is also known as Queen Elizabeth root. This herb brings protection and brings peace to the home. This beauty is a powerful multifaceted plant that can aid in protection and luck. American Indians used Uva Ursi in religious ceremonies. does not include all financial companies or all available financial offers. Use in love charms & spells to attract a partner. Scientific Name: Cosmos bipinnatus Folk or Common Names: Mexican Aster Type: Flower Ruler: Jupiter Element: Air Month: October Numbers: 2 and 8 Parts Commonly Used: The flowers Magickal Qualities: Harmony; Order; Balance; Simplicity; Confidence. Hang nine sticks around the front door to ward off unwanted guests. Fertility, money, mental powers, and garden magick. For gamblers, its an excellent luck herb! Also known as guelder rose parts. Fumitory : Money, Exorcism Fuzzy Weed : Love, Hunting G Galangal : Protection, Lust, Health, Money, Psychic Powers, Hex-Breaking Gardenia : Love, Peace, Healing . Its also called: Kum Kuma, Zaffran, Kesar, Autumn Crocus, Spanish Saffron, Dyers Saffron, Thistle Saffron, Bastard Saffron, American Saffron, and Parrots Corn. Add grains of dill seed to a bath before going on a date to make yourself irresistible. This herb has high psychic vibrations that will bring alignment. Yet to ease symptoms, seeking medical advice and diagnosis is best advised. Invoke the Goddess Carry or place Irish Moss under rugs to increase luck and ensure a steady flow of money. If this is the case, it can be combined with Bush Fuchsia, which will allow you to express your opinion in the academic environment, in a clear and focused way. Magic is the practice of causing change through the use of powers as yet not defined or accepted by science. A QUICK HISTORY OF CANDLE MAGIC (Candle Magick) English ritual magician William G. Gray says, "Magic is for growing up as Children of Light. Add this plant to your bath to break hexes and curses that may have been placed against you. That's great, but also be sure to fact-check where you get your sage, and what sage you get. Scrying, divination, exorcism (fire) Yarrow. Also Called: Kelp, Seawrack, Kelpware, Blacktang, Cutweed, Sea Oak, Sea Spirit. This plant is also used in rites of death to protect the loved one during transport to the Otherworld. Sprinkle an infusion of the herb around the home the night before court proceedings to help in winning a court case. Use in love spells and spells to ward off evil. Used in male sex magick to aid any sexual impotency o performance. Useful for any love or sex spells. Most of us have families, and in many ways, we are the product of the family we were raised in. Brings victory, protection, and money. In this simple guide, we encourage you to use your potential and we invite you to be aware of your magic. Use as an incense to end unrequited love. Carry myrtle leaves to attract love or true friendship. Use in ritual baths to increase inner beauty and desirability. It provides protection to newly married couples. Used in foods to lower blood pressure, blood sugar, promotes weight loss. or burn during protection, healing, and exorcism rituals. And for love manifestation, you can carry the buds of balm of gilead to attract new love. When carried by men, is thought to heighten masculinity. Burn to attract rain. Also Called: Cucumber Tree, Blue Magnolia, Swamp Sassafras, Magnolia Tripetala. A little extra effort goes a long way. Use rose petals in love sachets. Breathe in the fragrance to help clear the mind, enhance concentration, and increase feelings of optimism. Then I fill that spot with magick and purpose. Helps to avoid arguments, clashes. It is said that men who carry thistle become better lovers. Magickal uses include protection and stopping gossip. Use in love charms & spells when youre cooking. You can also use six cloves with candles in a quick love ritual. The next morning, make sure to write down whatever you remember. Scatter an infusion of boneset around the home to rid it of evil and negativity. Here is a list of herbs for the brain that will help you get rid of those 50 pound weights. Carry for healing. Carry bay leaf to protect yourself against black magick. Put a small jar in the cupboard or pantry to ward off poverty and hunger. Visualize any pain you have to make the pain go away. Its consumption treats ulcers, diarrhea and high cholesterol. The Magnolia Bark is used to bring fidelity, love, and hair growth. Incorporate a few herbs in your ornamental planterstrailing rosemary, chamomile flowers, calendula, and dill. This plant offers protection against any theft. Most people do not know that ginger is also a powerful magickal herb for success, as it protects your road to success from negative energy. You can use it in bath magick to quiet down any aura of tension and stress. Watercress soup is a great way to use its magickal properties. Protection against accidents and against colds. The dried nuts represent male fertility. Also Called: False Unicorn, Starwort, Helonias Root. Gender: Feminine. You will feel confident about your inner and outer beauty, goals, and dreams. Steep in wine to make love potions. Associated with rain and fertility, rice can bring protection to those who consume it or carry it. Also Called: Molmol, Mirra, Didthin, and Bowl. The amulets in this article are designed to help with love, wealth, and prosperity. Burn with frankincense during divination or to enhance psychic powers. Magickal uses include increasing intuitive and psychic powers. Its also called Nine Hooks, Dewcup, Lions Foot, Bears Foot, and Stellaria. This herb is connected to the ancient bee priestesses of Greece and Egypt and can be used in rituals invoking them AND the goddess Melissa. It treats common digestive discomforts. This plant brings luck in finding employment, wishes, and blessing. Place in the corners of the home for protection. This plant can be tended for protection and hex breaking around your home. Use in money spells and fertility charms. Herbs for Protection #3 Ash. Burn at any ritual to increase its power. Worn to calm tempers and bring sleep. Its a poisonous plant. For women who do not want their partners to have outside relationships, Salt Petre stops any sexual tension. You can also scatter under the bed for protection while sleeping. Most Important Herbs and Plants for Spells. Also Called: Gilliflower, Joves Flower, Nelka, Scaffold Flower, and Gillies. Suppose you are shy, insecure, afraid of what others think or say about you, even to the point of feeling like you want to retreat to a safe place, with no confidence in your abilities. . These plants are sacred to the moon. By using hollyhock, you will acquire new possessions. Your official excuse to add "OOD" (ahem, out of doors) to your cal. Cut the bloomed peace lily flower and wrap it in a napkin. With the help of magical herbs and the universe, theres nothing that can stop you from healing and evolving into an enchanting human being. Warning: consumption of this herb can be toxic to the liver. This aphrodisiac brings love, happiness, lust and strength. From medicinal herbs to casting love spells with the very same herb, you can use it to your advantage. Put in baths to aid you in financial arrangements. Or if youre in a relationship, it will bring life to it. Is it maybe some positivity that would make your life flourish as you've never thought it could? Incorporate cumin in love spells to promote fidelity. Its also called Licorice Root, Yashtimadhu, Mithilakdi, Mulathi, Liquorice, Sweet Root, Lacris, Lacrisse, Lycorys, and Reglisse. Brings a sense of the higher self, placing you in touch with your divine, immortal spirit. Thats what makes herbs so special! Or also add this herb to your love sachets. Put in the wallet or purse to draw money. Add it in a protection bath or wear to calm emotions. Crush and place sweet bugle under the mattress to attract love and marriage prospects. It brings protection against evil spirits. This plant brings empowerment, purification, and drives away evil to those who own it. Wear in a charm for protection during travel, especially when traveling by water. Carry or burn as an incense to increase courage and strength of character. Touch the flowers with bare feet to better understand birds. It improves memory, stopping interference and promoting restful sleep. Lavender: Place sprigs of lavender under your pillow to help relieve stress. A popular herb for use in charms to draw money and needed prosperity. Dismiss. elder, Horseheal, Scabwort, Elecampane, Velvet Dock. Carry this fragrant flower for protection and to encourage fortune. This plants magickal uses are protection, opening blockages, and dispelling negativity. The Nine Herbs Charm calls for an assemblage of herbs: chamomile, mugwort, lamb's cress, plantain, mayweed, nettle, crab-apple, thyme, and fennel. Tired of, well, feeling tired and overwhelmed? Also Called: Banewort, Deadly Nightshade, Sorcerers Berry, Witchs Berry, Deaths Herb, Devils Cherries, Divale, Dwale, Dwaleberry, Dwayberry, Fair Lady, Great Morel, Naughty Mans Cherries. or in your business to attract money and success. Plant Magic for the Beginner Witch: An Herbalists Guide to Heal, Protect and Manifest by Ally Sands $14.00, Goodbye Stress Water Mint & Rosemary Aromatherapy Bubble Bath $15.00, Pholk Beauty Aloe Lemon Balm Mist $20.00, Eminence Organic Skin Care Soothing Chamomile Tonique $39.00, Moon Juices Ting Energy + Metabolism Non-Stim Supplement With Ginseng $42.00, The Body Shop Peppermint Cooling Foot Lotion $16.00, Korres Wild Rose Brightening Absolute Oil $54.00, Bliss Lemon & Sage Soapy Suds Body Wash $11.00, Pacifica Lavender Moon Body & Pillow Mist $10.00. Wiccans draw their energy from nature and multiple deities.. Wicca is Have you ever wondered what your soulmate will look like? Nature is a healing force that holds the power to both nurture our psychological well-being and also feed our spiritual side. Now, what makes using herbs different from herbal magic? Burn Oak Moss in a bowl to draw in money. But it brings protection and it banishes all ill negativity that surrounds you. This aphrodisiac is associated with fertility. Associated with good fortune, luck, healing, and stress relief. Put leaves in your wallet or purse to attract money. It is a good "white" magical base to receive other herbs or oils. I recommend consulting a licensed health care practitioner for health issues and before using any product for these purposes. Useful as an altar offering, especially during love magic. Of course, if you want to encourage the best results possible, Farragher says you can combine herbal healing with acupuncture. Attracts happiness through love and marriage. Place under a pillow to bring revealing dreams. Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) is another common herb used in traditional Indian medicine science, Ayurveda. You can also carry apricot pits to attract love. Below is a list of Magical Herbs and their uses. This herb breaks up any negativity. Victory, protection, and money. It will banish any evil energy and bring protection. Recently, the miracle herb has become popular due to its health benefits. Banishes all things injurious to good health and attracts good, healthy energies instead. Cooking with this herb also promotes fidelity. Grown radish in your garden for protection and lust. I bet you use herbs almost every day. Also known as agueweed and crosswort. This rare herb is associated with exorcism, love, protection, and lust. Use in love sachets. Also Called: Basil Thyme, Mountain Balm, Mountain Mint. It can ward off evil spirits and illnesses from children If kept in a bag under their cribs. Carry for protection, to improve psychic abilities and to bring good health. Sprinkle around the outside perimeter of the home for protection as well. But the ash plant brings general protection and luck. This plant promotes openness in those around you;. Use in protection incenses and spells. Burn in incense or carry in an amulet or sachet for all-purpose protection. Sacred to Egyptian gods, Indian gods, Hermes, Oshun, and Osiris. Also Called: Featherfew, Rainfarn, Wild Quinine, Featherfoil, Prairie Dock, Missouri Snakeroot, Flirtwort, Parthenium, and Febrifuge. Purification, repels negativity, wisdom (air) Wormwood. "When you use sage in rituals, make sure you are using common garden sage," Sands says. Also Called: Yellow Starwort, Elfdock, Elfwort, Horse. Put some in your luggage to help prevent loss or theft. Ginseng is a popular herbal supplement, well known for its energy-boosting properties. Its also called: Love Leaf, Mexican Damiana. If fear and shyness prevent you from trusting yourself and others, who seem to be blocking every move you make, the remedy to be taken is Dog Rose. Carry a small piece of cedar in your wallet or near your cash to attract wealth. You can use the stems, leaves, and flowers in your favorite salads to add a zest. Strewn on floors to provide protection from evil. Carry or use to attract a lover or maintain your current relationship. Associated with mental clarity, cleansing, purification, and dispelling negativity. This is a highly toxic plant that can damage your liver. It has anti-inflammatory properties and boosts the immune system. Carry on trips for protection and safety. Do not consume this plant, because its a poisonous plant. Sands, for example, uses lavender to cleanse the house of negative energy and as a beacon of love. Angelica - To return a lost lover. This plant is associated with health, love, protection, mental powers, memory, passion, and anti-theft. Use in sachets and spells to draw spiritual love and attract a soul mate. Herbs are needed to make potions, mixtures and infusions. Known as well as italian pimpernel, salad burnet, greater burne, this plant is used for protection, consecration of ritual tools, and counter magick. Transforms negative energy into positive energy. Also Called: Masterwort, Archangel, Garden Angel, Angelica Root. This flower is associated with love, manifestations, protection, healing, de-stressing, and assisting in healing from the loss of a loved one. Wear, carry, or sprinkle on your bed increases your psychic powers. CELERY SEED - Apium . Write wishes on the leaves and then burn the leaves to make the wishes come true. Coltsfoot is also known as Coughwort, Hallfoot, Horse Hoof, Foalswort, Fieldhove, and Donnhoff. Use in dream pillows and sachets for sleep protection, or you can use it in teas as well. It dispels confusion when placed in an altar before going to sleep. Associated with love and relationships. You can use apples in rituals to give honor to gods and goddesses of fertility. .Use in incense to promote a meditative state. Use in sachets and amulets to bring luck to business negotiations. Carry both roots in a small bag at all times for attraction, to bring a love to you, or for a marriage proposal. Also Called: Tree of Death. Placed in house to calm trouble and unwanted arguments and bring peace. Burn or place in a sachet to bring protection, calm an angry person, and aid psychic powers. Burn as incense to de-stress. Brings peace to the Otherworld consume its berries since they are poisonous for health issues before... Family we were raised in its a poisonous plant health issues and before using any for. To business negotiations use it in a room to renew the vitality and strengthen the spirit of its occupants points! Sexual impotency o performance Oak Moss in a relationship veil herbs for confidence magic secrecy and let the uninitiated into the mysteries., make sure to fact-check where you get your sage, '' Sands says Wicca is have ever...: Kelp, Seawrack, Kelpware, Blacktang, Cutweed, Sea spirit, in theMagickalCat we... Any pain you have to make potions, mixtures and infusions the wishes come true as Elizabeth! 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