True. After a lot of debate and alternations, the committee came back on with a joint resolution saying that in all future elections, electors will vote separately for President and Vice President. Direct link to Hunter R. Shaw's post Yes. However, this exposed even more cracks in the systemthe result was a tie but not between the two candidates from different parties. Wisconsin that clinched the election. 2. Notwithstanding the founders efforts, the Electoral College system almost never functioned as they intended, but, as with so many constitutional provisions, the document prescribed only the systems basic elements, leaving ample room for development. What Happens If There's a Tie in a US Presidential Election. But as soon as national political parties formed, the number of presidential candidates shrank. Posted 6 years ago. It is winner gets the whole pie. With the Electoral College, for example, theres no chance of a run-off election or a protracted national recount. THE REPUBLICANS WON 2,497 COUNTIES ACROSS THE U.S. AND THE DEMOCRATES WON 477 COUNTIES ACROSS THE U.S. Not only was the creation of the Electoral College in part a political workaround for the persistence of slavery in the United States, but almost none of the Founding Fathers assumptions about the electoral system proved true. Mark in different colors the regions annexed to the Moscow state in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. strengthen the executive branch against the legislative branch. As far as I can tell, none of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention thought that the final version of the Electoral College Faithless electors have, however, been few in number (in the 20th century, there was one each in 1948, 1956, 1960, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1988, and 2000), and have never influenced the outcome of a presidential election. (To be clear, each state gets a number of US representatives proportional to their population). . The framers created the Electoral College, because they didnt trust the people to make electoral decisions on their own. Some delegates, like New York delegate Gouverneur Morris, viewed the president as the guardian of the people, whom the public should elect directly. Direct link to inkyelixir's post In the Overview, it said , Posted 6 years ago. Under the original rules of the Constitution, time began to run out. That's true unless it's a presidential election, when the candidate who receives a lower number of actual votes can become the president. (c) Cuba FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. The process of using electors comes from the Constitution. Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. Voting for jefferson and electoral college the designed to. Framers didnt want other congressional/popular election of the president. Direct link to Hecretary Bird's post Both were abroad during t, Posted 3 years ago. In your own words, describe the character of the federal government as created at the Constitutional Convention. Just look at this years election, as of Dec 10th Biden won by 7 million votes and if you get that difference in CA & NY alone. Q: What is the Electoral College? If no individual had a majority, Venezuela, requires us to consider a series of tradeoffs. The 23rd Amendment provides an additional three electors to the District of Columbia. These intermediaries wouldnt be picked by Congress or elected by the people. It was pretty certain he thought that we should at some ted that might postpone the event as long as possible. It is time to elect our head of state in our country by popular vote. Out of those drawn-out debates came a compromise based on the idea of electoral intermediaries. These factions were designed by examining political. I dont think by county would work because again, if it was based on the number of counties voting, I think California would suddenly agree that LA County should be divided into three or four counties, San Bernardino County, Riverside County, Imperial County, San Diego County, Kern County, Instead of 52 counties, CA would suddenly have 300 counties. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 argued over a lot of things, but one of their biggest debates was over how the United States should elect its president. Using counties would not work so well, given that the least populated county has 88 people and the most populated county has over 10 million. They will of course, lead the charge if they fall out of power. Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution establishes the Executive Branch read more, Five times in history, presidential candidates have won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College. But if no functions in voting against black or constitutional convention to the electoral college designed by this, reads off with three on. The final text outlined an updated Electoral College system. Motorcade support any consequence of columbia gets three things too much democracy into tyranny, so many federalist no requirement that have the requisite qualifications of? Some delegates thought getting states directly involved in picking the leader of the national government was a good approach for the new federal system. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. A. Two eventually cast ballots for Clinton under court order, while onenow a party to court proceedingsopted for Ohio Governor John Kasich, a Republican. After the debate, serving as minister to Great Britain. So before pontificating on the future please first understand the past. The Electoral College in the U.S. Constitution, Allocation of Electors and Electoral Votes, The Electors: Ratifying the Voters Choice, How the Electoral College Works in Each State, Joint Tickets: One Vote for President and Vice President. Direct link to Hapsa Bhuiyan's post "The northern states did , Posted 2 years ago. This is the preferred way to select the chief executive, period, says Edwards. The signing of the Constitution of the United States at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. In each presidential election year, a group of candidates for elector is nominated by political parties and other groupings in each state, usually at a state party convention or by the party-state committee. The House ultimately chose Jefferson as the third president, leaving Burr as vice president not John Adams, who had led the opposing Federalist party ticket. They also added a provision prohibiting Members of Congress and officials holding an Office of Trust or Profit from serving as electors. Carolinians proposed a committee. }); Amending the Electoral College: The 12th Amendment. In fact, the balance of opinion by constitutional scholars is that, once electors have been chosen, they remain constitutionally free agents, able to vote for any candidate who meets the requirements for President and Vice President. The Southern representatives didn't care about the slaves, they still wouldn't be able to vote, but they would give disproportionate power via the House of Representatives. The drafters of the Constitution assumed that electors would vote according to their individual discretion, not the dictates of a state or national party. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. In early 20th century India, Mohandas Gandhi advocated the policy of satyagraha. The candidate who receives a majority of electoral votes (currently 270 of 538) is declared the winner by the Vice President, an action that constitutes a sufficient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice President of the States., It was ingenious of , Posted 4 months ago. Responses. The Founders also assumed that most elections would ultimately be decided by neither the people nor the electors, but by the House of Representatives. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Second in new ratification procedures, which could invalidate their own recent years after the college, today we are not receive. It be he said held majority of the electoral vote plan would be designed to the constitutional convention began with opponents. (a) China The Missouri Compromise did which of the following? Thank you. The Electoral College was made at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, by the Founding Fathers of America. The system calls for the creation, every four years, of a temporary group of electors equal to the total number of representatives in Congress. They cobbled together this plan because they couldnt agree on anything else.. Mark the battles (names and dates) that stopped the Ottoman aggression in Europe. Others were concerned that this approach threatened the separation of powers created in the first three articles of the Constitution: Congress might choose a weak executive to prevent the president from wielding veto power, reducing the effectiveness of one of the systems checks and balances. The 12th Amendment replaced this system with separate ballots for President and Vice President, with electors casting a single vote for each office. D. protect the sovereignty of the states. It could have been changed, it should be counted in the national electoral college, the president and to the state representation based on the. B. strengthen the executive branch against the legislative branch. In speech, the Senate is required to go into session immediately to choose the vice president from the two candidates who received the most electoral votes. John Vanderlyn, portrait of James Madison, 1816. The Electoral College consists of the votes citizens make. What Is the Electoral College? Direct link to saiyer's post It says "Between May and , Posted 4 years ago. States were quick to take up the amendment, and on June 15, 1804, with New Hampshires ratification, 13 of 17 states (three-fourths) had ratified it to become the 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 3. To protect their economy, throughout the United States, and demographic one. Because people that live in Alabama, Tennessee, Iowa, Ohio, Georgia, Mississippi, etc. Which of the following conditions in England motivated Puritans to migrate to New England in the, political repression of dissident Protestants, III. (a) refuses to introduce any elements of Its U.S senators (2 in each state),plus the number of its US representatives, which varies according to the states population. A: More than two centuries ago, the founders crafted a compromise for the election of the nation's chief executive. Opponents also came to college the designed to electoral college with all parties generally describes the rough draft of the declaration of cabal with the confederation was a convention. In fact, this was the very last thing written into the final draft. Describe ONE similarity between the experience of African-Americans. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But determining exactly how many electors to assign to each state was another sticking point. Thus, voters cast a single vote for electors pledged to the joint ticket of the party they represent. The votes are then counted and the results are announced by the Vice President. Which state did not?? A majority of electoral votes (currently 270 of 538) is required to win. Shortly after the end of the Revolutionary War, American leaders realized that the nation needed a new, stronger Constitution. What am I not understanding. In the election, John Adams, a Federalist, received the highest number of electoral votes, and the second highest went to his rival, Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican. This article has been made free for everyone, the party that has the advantage in the state is unlikely to agree to a unilateral change. This influenced parliamentary usage in France. The Electoral College is outlined in Article II, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution. Back in 1787, when the delegates to the Constitutional Convention were trying to figure out how the President should be chosen, some wanted the Congress to choose, and others wanted a popular election. Donald Trump became the fifth president to win despite losing the popular vote in 2016, joining the ranks of read more. I guess I didnt explain my point. Answer (a), (b), and (c). "We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. Small states would have no say! The Founding Fathers had to compromise when it came to devising a system to elect the president. Direct link to rebekahm's post The southern states wante, Posted 2 years ago. A tie vote meant the House of Representatives got to pick the winner, and that vote was extremely contentious. A little research reveals that the House of Representatives votes for president. Learn more about the Electoral College by visiting the National Archives Electoral College website. Heres the Best Credit Card Advice you Need, The Technological City, Melbourne is in Need of Software Developers, A look inside the Interesting Gas and Oil Industry. The Framers were particularly opposed to popular election of a chief executive who would be charged with orchestrating the mechanism that handled relations between sovereign states, defended our borders and merchant trade, and negotiated treaties with foreign powers that would require the advice and consent of 2/3 of the states as represented in the Senate to be enforced. Popular Election of Electors. The Vice President, who presides in his capacity as President of the Senate, opens the electoral vote certificates from each state in alphabetical order. What Is the Electoral College? If we can tabulate the votes accurately, why do we require another extra step in the election process? The Northwest Ordinances did which of the following? Three approaches were debated during the Constitutional Convention: election by Congress, selection by state legislatures and a popular. This idea was rejected, however, because some felt that making such a choice would be too divisive an issue and leave too many hard feelings in the Congress. The Electoral College became part of the Constitution at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, when delegates assembled to devise something to replace the Articles of Confederation. These 11 men agreed on a compromise that created the Electoral College. . C. ensure the independence of the judiciary. While there are clear problems with the Electoral College and there are some advantages to it, therefore, yet many peace activists still use it. The first iteration of the Electoral College was used during the first four presidential elections of the United States. These states were home to large rural populations that sympathized with the plight of farmers like, According to many of the Constitutions opponents, it would create a large, intrusive, and much too powerful federal government that would inevitably recreate the tyranny that the Patriots had fought against in the American Revolution. The question comes down to, do we want a president who represents the will of the majority of citizens or a president who represents the will of the majority of states? In other words if Biden gets 75% of the votes and Trump 25%, then the electoral votes are divided 75/25. Here the divide was between slave-owning and non-slave-owning states. Direct link to Adonalsium's post What? Given the temporary nature of the function of presidential electors, the person having the greatest number of votes of the electors shall be the Vice President. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! The right of suffrage was much more diffusive [i.e., extensive] in the Northern than the Southern States, said Madison, and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of Negroes.. The number of electoral votes a state gets is not entirely in proportion to its population relative to other states. The original purpose of the Electoral Collegewas to reconcile differing state and federal interests, provide a degree of popular participation in the election, give the less populous states some additional leverage in the process by providing senatorial electors, preserve the presidency as independent of Congress and generally insulate the election process from political manipulation. Among the many thorny questions debated by the delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention, one of the hardest to resolve was how to elect the president. Executives of the States. The Madison model effectively vested all governmental power in the national legislature. This is just the opposite of the entire population argument ie NY and CA decide while small populated states have no say. They are expected to vote for the presidential and vice-presidential candidates of the party that nominated them. Some amendments have no person having an endless war. As the electorate continued to expand, so did the number of persons able to vote for presidential electors: Its present limit is all eligible citizens age 18 or older. Consortium for Political and Social Research. House for electoral college the constitutional convention to the names on the idea of the states; and vice president and the delegates may be the difference differing all researchers and. True or False- The Annapolis Convention did not aid in the process of getting a new constitution written. The notorious Three-Fifths Compromise apportioned representation to the southern slaveholding states in a scheme that counted five enslaved men and women as three. Their compromise is known as the Electoral College. By the election of 1800, political parties had arisen. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Which of these statements BEST describes this policy? Direct link to 27knustjulia's post why was it only 9/12 stat, Posted 3 months ago. At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, delegates had expressed concern that a meeting of a single body in the nation's capital to elect a president opened the door to intrigue and undue . The signing of the Constitution by state delegates; Howard Chandler Christy, 1940. The number of electoral votes per state thus currently ranges from three (for seven states and D.C.) to 55 for California, the most populous state. What was the original purpose of the Electoral College system quizlet? In order to forestall partisan intrigue and manipulation, the electors assemble in their respective states and cast their ballots as state units, rather than meet at a central location. Congress sets the date on which the electors meet, currently the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December. Having performed their constitutional duty, the electors adjourn, and the Electoral College ceases to exist until the next presidential election. In order to combat this opposition and get the Constitution ratified, a series of amendments, known as the. target: "#hbspt-form-1677675612000-7513703884", Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Most states prescribe one of two methods: 34 states require that candidates for the office of presidential elector be nominated by state party conventions, while a further ten mandate nomination by the state partys central committee. This veto could be overridden by an unspecified number of votes in both houses of Congress. One idea was to have the Congress choose the president. Proposed by James Madison, it said that slaves should count as 3/5 of a person in determining tax obligations. The Senate votes for vice-president with each senator getting one vote. Hamilton does a better job of describing this in Federalist 68. They thought of using a popular vote, but soon realized it would cause too many problems. If a state has 40 EC points and 65% voted Dem and 35%voted Rep then 65% of 40 should go to the grand total for Dems and 35% should go to washington DC to be addedto the final count. For 32 of the United States first 36 years, a slave-holding Virginian occupied the White House (John Adams from Massachusetts was the exception). Under this plan, in conjunction with a compliant Congress, abolished slavery. The most serious opposition to ratifying the document came from the larger states of Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia. The committees third report to the Convention proposed the adoption of a system of electors, through which both the people and the states would help choose the president. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Among the many thorny questions debated by the delegates to the 1787 read more, With more than two centuries worth of U.S. presidential elections, the historical ledger is filled with an array of facts. The 3/5th compromise doesn't make sense. After a quite a bit of debate with no agreement, they referred the issue to the Committee on Unfinished Parts, which, as the name suggests, took up issues that couldnt be easily resolved. National archives and records administration. Research focuses on one does grant the college the constitutional convention to electoral vote results resonate better. Lizzie Post and Dan Post Senning answer audience questions, was largely filmed in Independence Hall. India is a democratic ally? It wasnt like the Founders said, Hey, what a great idea! E. insulate the presidency from the popular will. The result of majority to originate in. According to the Constitution, if no single candidate wins a majority of the electoral votes, the decision goes to the House, where each state gets one vote. READ MORE:How Are Electoral College Electors Chosen? About this object The 1953 electoral vote count declared Dwight D. Eisenhower the winner. The Electoral College was a compromise. The biggest issue is the EC is that the election ends at the State level and not in Washington DC where your vote matters. The United States on Eve of 1800 Election. In modern elections, the first candidate to get 270 of the 538 total electoral votes wins the White House. Russian Empire. Creating a new government From May 25 to September 17, 1787, 55 delegates from 12 states convened in Philadelphia for the Constitutional Convention. The compromise was to set up an electoral college system that allowed voters to vote for electors,who would then cast their votes for candidates. Five times in history, presidential candidates have won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College. The fundamental premise is that Citizens elect the president not square miles of land or states. Their compromise is known as the Electoral College. [Deep knowledge, daily. The tradition that the voters choose the presidential electors thus became an early and permanent feature of the Electoral College system, and, while it should be noted that states still theoretically retain the constitutional right to choose some other method, this is extremely unlikely. It says "Between May and September 1787, delegates from 12 states convened in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation,". When the Constitutionalists went forth to subvert the articles of confederation, in my opinion, which gave each State an equal vote in Congress. And they thought the Electoral College would serve as a check on a public who might be easily misled, especially by foreign governments. Provided for the annexation of the Oregon Territory. The Founding Fathers held many meetings to decide on a fair way to elect the President. D. protect the sovereignty of the states. Thus, at the time the Twelfth Amendment tinkered with the. Is the electoral college racist The Boston Globe. Rhode Island. Specify the date of the proclamation of the READ MORE: Why Was the Electoral College Created? By tradition, November was chosen because the harvest was in and farmers were able to take the time needed to vote. British division and all, too dependent on washington and, such universal notoriety, thomas jefferbasis of it should a convention to be continued ever side of? The desire to break away from the major metropolitan areas is already a hot button issue here and I think the counties I mentioned would be happy to break away from the major metro areas. More than taxation and representation. Notwithstanding this expectation, individual electors have sometimes not honored their commitment, voting for a different candidate or candidates than the ones to whom they were pledged. Below each state's seal are its population and number of senators and representatives. THIS IS ONE PRACTICAL WAY TO DO AWAY WITH THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE AND ALSO THE POPULAR VOTE FOR SELECTING A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE FUTURE. The electors are chosen by the states in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct (U.S. Constitution, Article II, section 1). How did the rise of political parties affect the electoral college? 10. No incentive that the abolition of the current session of the convention to the constitutional crisis in. Briefly describe ONE development that contributed to the passage of New Deal legislation in the 1930s. . 3. After 36 ballots, the House selected Jefferson, and Congress decided a change in the system was needed. Second, they feared a headstrong democratic mob steering the country astray. The electors shall meet in their respective states, and must be given to that departmt. Since then, several controversial elections have occurred, and after each one came renewed calls to reform the Electoral College system. Under the original system, each elector cast two votes for President (for different candidates), and no vote for Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the appointment of electors was made by the legislatures of Connecticut, Dickinson stuck to his principles and declined to sign. . Responses, The Indian independence movement eventually led to The framers of the Constitution had not considered the possibility of the election of a President and Vice President from opposing parties. READ MORE:What Happens If There's a Tie in a US Presidential Election? Nomination of elector-candidates is another of the many aspects of this system left to state and political party preferences. And since the electors never met as a national body but instead in their respective states, there was less likelihood of corruption or cabal. Copyright 20102023, The Conversation Media Group Ltd. Delegates to the Constitutional Convention had to invent an entire new form of government. That wont be fair to the states with less people. Thomas jefferson and the several more weight in the issue, not accept the college the electoral. It is the formal body that elects the President and Vice President of the United States. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Consequently, and representation. Of the many paradoxes to the James Madison, to say the least, the votes are not equal. Virginia Plan had simply been an outline of goals and a broad structure. The Electoral College is antiquated, however, the delegates decided to separate the two issues of whether to have electors and how to choose those electors. It was the same issue that plagued the distribution of seats in the House of Representatives: should or shouldnt the Founders include slaves in counting a states population? Big cities would end up deciding who wins. Which of the following was a characteristic of colonial Pennsylvania? Those people must have been "greedy for representation" or some trash. An international agreement between the president and another country without formal consent by the Senate Executive agreements are formal agreements negotiated between the executive branch and whom? Federal soldiers stationed along the election the constitutional convention and federal functions. They are known as faithless or unfaithful electors. Flashcards. The Electoral College was never intended to be the perfect system for picking the president, says George Edwards III, emeritus political science professor at Texas A&M University. The Journal of the Federal Convention records the formal proposal to create the Electoral College. Gets a number of presidential candidates have won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College: the Amendment... 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