Herein, we must be prepared to deal with the vastly increased and very broad and very deep chaos (exs: rebellions, insurgencies, genocide, famine, increased crime, etc., etc., etc.) Approaching the physical domain in more of an objective and logical manner may work, but approaching the social realm without relying more on multiple viewpoints and critical and creative thinking is a recipe for disaster. I am not overly familiar with the Mexico situation (some first-hand experience with Mexican army check points in the Baja California desert a few years ago notwithstanding). Well I certainly don't have all the answers! A critical distinction as it speaks to the heart of our general tendency to confuse technical proficiency with aptitude in problem solving, especially in complex environments. Carefully read the passage and choose the best answer for the question that follows. And what I have been saying for years around here, using "South Asia" as one intellectual "foil", is that YOU (meaning the US military and agencies with which it works) are a part of the human domain and you cannot divorce yourselves from any of it. This that any different than the Sunni Awakening movement--I personally do not think so. Ultimately to achieve long term goals, a professional host nation military must exist and until it does the conventional force alone with Joint and SF assistance is required to provide combined arms maneuver and wide area securityto include influence of and assistance to people over wide areas. This function provides Army leadership the means to use a targeting process in relation to indirect fires, missile defense, and joint fires in a way that keeps United States troops safe while delivering fires in support of offensive or defensive operations. [xxxviii] USDA, Special Operations, ADP 3-05, 2012, 8. Your comments on the VSO program reflect this human domain mistake currently being made in AFG --in the CIDG there were major differences between almost and I mean almost all camps---one did what one had to do in one's particular AO not what one was doing say in I Corp when you were in III or IV Corp in VN. When 9-11 happened and you moved quickly into Afghanistan, this mood, this background, this context, these connections, this forgotten yet still present military institutional emotional history, alive even if buried deep within, surfaced only at the time of the OBL raid. I first noticed this in Afghanistan where a few of us sat down and attempted to make sense of the disconnect between our official pronouncements and doctrine and the reality of what commanders were doing and saying privately. If I am to do artestry, then I must at least know what is the subject matter. [v] White, Curtis, The Middle Mind: Why Americans Dont Think For Themselves, HarperOne, 2004, 7. Just how many deploying BCT personnel fully understood the fighting tactics being used by the various Sunni, Shia, and AQI personnel ---did the Army via PME every have classes on this topic? These movements may be partial or complete. I say for the most part because the education and personnel systems these individuals fall under are all less than desired, largely beholden to the conventional forces systems and with respect to education- are a lower priority within USSOCOM. "I did not want to recall how many negative comments were made by countless officers about how stupid the insurgents were when in fact they are still in the fight and we are long gone from Iraq.". Today, we are going to discuss the Army Warfighting Functions. At the operational level and high tactical levels,[xl] however, senior NCOs and field-grade officers are increasingly institutionalized and are thus progressively more intertwined within the bureaucracy in terms of how the organization thinks, plans, communicates, and acts. Plus, there has been less friendly fire incidents. AND if one does not believe that an insurgency does not learn from past events--just check the latest strategy statement from AQ issued Sept 2013. Grant-----maybe Ben Z might agree with the following ---I would venture that currently in the Force the use of MDMP in it's standard form does in fact kill critical thinking as one simply goes through the rote of doing the steps not the thinking behind the why one is doing each of the steps. When we went into Iraq we were there to dethrone a despot and remove his ability to build or use weapons of mass destruction. Its interesting that in your exchange with the detainee, he basically pointed out that part of the way they figured out their detonator problem was by going to open sources and specifically the example where the guy found a Facebook picture and post of a soldier on the soldier's Facebook page. Montezuma was killed during a short uprising in 152115211521 while instructing the Aztecs to make peace with the Spaniards. The Spaniards were forced to retreat from the city, but they soon regrouped and besieged the Aztec capital. That Special Operations is just now getting around in my opinion to being in the same boat is a reflection of two occurrences: the 1987 establishment of Special Operations as a 4-star command and the large growth in Special Operations since 9/11. The protection warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that preserve the force so the commander can apply maximum combat power to accomplish the mission (ADP 3-0). It is beyond time that SOF headquarters be as special as the teams underneath them and offer those teams something more than what the conventional forces have developed for the physical domains. These tasks are interactive and often occur simultaneously. "Yet no matter how much we may focus on the diversity of opinions, customs, attitudes and interests within each community, in the end it is not the diversity that defines the conflict but the conflict that defines social attitudes that are widely shared.". Interestingly, this makes me wonder how we could have missed such an important aspect of the human domain and the military operations we undertook as a nation. Virtually everyone knows what our end-game objective is. commanders to balance their command and control duties, Four Tips to Help You Prepare for the Army Warrior Leader Course, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM): 10 Cool Facts, and Army Trial Counselor in a Maneuver Enhancement Brigade: My Experience, Army 18F MOS: Special Forces Operations & Intelligence Sergeant, 7 Great Military Tactics And Strategies That Worked. I assume. Well, enough with my psychobabble for now. So where are the pilots? Supporting the autodefensa doesn't look much like supporting the Maquis in their sabotage and intelligence campaign against Nazi Germany (the archetype of unconventional warfare). ~ Lightning Press. Aztec prophets had prognosticated that bearded men would arrive from the east, or the land of the sun god-the Aztec conception of heaven. I'd say that the art of the sublime would help us in that we would not shy away from admitting these things. We must also firmly ground and continuously educate them in critical and creative thinking. Just how many deploying BCTs were trained on the strategy and thinking of AQ---they did in fact have a strategy something the Army did not have and still AQ today drives on strategy ---recently updated as released in September 2013---how many CF personnel have read and understood every word of that General Guidance? As usual there are a multitude of reasons. Understanding human domain means understanding the environment one operates in has been a true fact since the beginning of warfare not just since Iraq and AFG. Information Briefing Format II. Most of the current inhabitants have only known ruin and violence and thus are understandably incapable of informing themselves as to what they want, let alone articulate such an abstract sentiment to a foreign infidel HT team. What I find interesting is that Kilcullen was correct in using it---and then say John Robb fleshed it out with his standing orders and his use of the term "open source warfare" which really caused some heartburn in the various agencies. b. For the purposes of simplification and clarity I will define the human domain, not in terms of its content (the other), but in terms of the missions or environment most closely related to the concept. [xii] See Carl Builders book, Masks of War, Johns Hopkins University Press, FEB, 1989, for a description of why the services act the way they do. The use of "human domain" is really a simple attempt to cover up the abject failure of "understanding the environment" before they deployed. One example is moving forces to execute a large-scale air or airborne assault. The intelligence warfighting function tasks facilitate the commanders visualization and understanding of the threat and other relevant aspects of the operational environment. Upon promulgation of Marine Corps The. The HN Staff will have witnessed the effects of direct sunlight, direct moonlight, mountain shadow, heat haze, cold inversion layers, dust, running water, still water, ice, drought, monsoon, crop types, stubble, fallow wild animals, domestic animals, birds-song and insects. This next comment sums it up; IA also includes the sub-function Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC). 7 . While I'm at it, let me show you the type of thing I like to consider (my favorite topic, Americans and their reactions to "South Asia"): There is a book called, The Life and Loves of a United States Naval Aviator by Harry Carter which describes in a few passages his time (along with his wife) in Pakistan working with the Navy. I couldn't agree more with this comment- and I think this is one area in which we fail miserably. This forces SOFs into such missions as Village Stability Operations which, in effect, are designed to help separate a population from its present or traditional way of life and way of governance and to attach the population to a way of life and way of governance which is more in line with our way of thinking, our way of life and our way of governance. Regarding my comment immediately below, this from ADM McRaven may be helpful: "You have the maritime, the ground, and the air domains, and then theres a human domain you have to operate in, and thats the totality of the physical and the cultural environment. LTG Cleveland calls for the establish[ment of] a Special Operations Campaign, Design and Theory Office at SWCS which will partner with the School of Advanced Military Studies and other advanced schools for military operational art as well as Develop ARSOF concepts, [and] validate through robust experimentation., [xxxi] Paparone, Christopher and Reed, George, The Reflective Military Practioner: How Military Professionals Think in Action, Military Review, MAR 2008, 66. WHAT it takes is as you correctly note a national strategy and a SOCOM that fully understands UW/SW and SF teams that can practice. Sustainment. These arent mechanized divisions we are attempting to outflank or terrorists we are killing in the human domain, these are very contextual-dependent groups of people whose values we are attempting to appreciate and either influence or employ to some effect. It could be extremely beneficial if we allowed our people to openly look for information that our enemies are posting openly, yet we need to restrict or control exactly how and what our own people are posting when they are in theater. The Problem: Assuming a Technically Rational Approach within the Human Domain. Protection may also encompass the surrounding population and environment. Thus, we faced a problem: design pointed to our philosophy as being the problem, but we were wedded to our philosophy. The seven warfighting functions are command and control, fires, force protection, information, intelligence, logistics, and maneuver. You build that trustyou cant surge trust. Others, more inclined toward and adept at reflection-in-action, nevertheless feel profoundly uneasy because they cannot say what they know how to do, cannot justify its quality or rigor.. -- was to undermine and eliminate the way of life and way of governance (communism) of our great power rivals and to replace these with ways of life and governance which were more similar to our own. Hed joined up Coz the brothers from the Mosque promised to teach me Kung Fu.. In the past, it was the communists who denied various populations these benefits. The Ironically, the seemingly bloodthirsty culture, when not participating in an estimated 20,00020,00020,000 human sacrifices a year, took great interest in the beauty of nature; Aztecs, who lacked plows or beasts of burden, took the time to grow beautiful flowers strictly for decoration. Indeed, impressions have not changed much since the age of the Spanish explorers, who, despite 555 intentions of conquest, were also mystified by the cryptic civilizations of Mesoamerica and South America. The guerrillas M1E is the one piece of equipment that is just as sophisticated and capable as our own. UW by the way can be boring as well as extremely hectic and then boring---whereas DA is so "in"----the thing of movies--whereas training and living with your troops on a daily basis and trying to move the ball forward just three centimeters is something that is of no interest to movie makers. WFF are the physical means that tactical commanders use to execute operations and accomplish missions assigned by a superior commander. As for warfighting potential, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) asserts a rather broad utility for offensive cyber operations. It is this fundamental characteristic that defines land force operations. I am going to steal that. At worst they are used as paradigms with which our force must use when thinking about, planning for, and acting during operations. With that being said, there has been a push to allow our warfighters greater freedoms with these tools because its being argued that we are losing the message and by allowing greater freedom with these tools we are allowing our warfighters to get the positive message out. How does the textbook's discussion of Anglo-American settlers in the Ohio Valley support or challenge each of the historians' arguments regarding British policy? Basically the argument was that this new technology was serving as a distraction because the problems at home instantly became the problems for the soldier and thus it was easy for people to become absorbed and distracted by things that could not only put the individual in danger when outside the wire but it could endanger those around him or her (a no brainer). It is very difficult to do: one must sacrifice ease of communication and planning as well as take on some threat to ones career. That strategy is to get more money. Others, such as Carl Builder, mentioned in footnote 12, as well as this authors own experiences highlight the bureaucratic pressures that lead to the chase for more money within government bureaucracies. Strictly Necessary Cookies - Always Active. A warfighting function (WFF) is a group of tasks and systems united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives. Commanders integrate and synchronize these capabilities with other WFF to accomplish objectives and missions. In plain English, the 7th WfF is all of the tasks and systems that military units would need to do or have to influence people, taking into account the socio-economic, cognitive, and physical aspects of human activity". Last but by no means least the BCT can access the entire conventional arsenal of the US Armed Forces. The intelligence warfighting function is larger than military intelligence. Coupled with a chain of command that exploits their multi-generational familial ties, tribal ties and 30 years of shared camaraderie the HN practice a tactical and operational methodology they call Jihad and we call Mission Command. The purpose of WFF is to provide an intellectual organisation for common critical capabilities available to commanders and staffs at all echelons and levels of warfare. Even our own COIN doctrine- which implies that that type of activity is counterproductive, cannot rescue us from the technically rational system, of which it is, ultimately, also a part of. Indeed, in any stability op or war scenario beyond covert support/sabotage of an indigenous government it is the CF that will lead the main effort and take the majority of the blame for screwing it up (rightfully so). The open-ended nature of part two however, puts you in a big 'ol pickle. Obviously I would give the M1E multiplier a greater weight than most but I dare suggest that seeing, smelling, hearing and even touching, talking and drinking tea with personnel within the target perimeter will boost your chances each and every day. 1. Art isnt something one does while coloring within the lines and SOF shouldnt be looking for a methodology to assist us with it. What we in the military seem to forget is that the enemy always has a voice and especially in Iraq where the education levels are high they were a quick adapting organism whose ecosystem was built on the Darwinian principle of survival which has always been the top rule for a guerrilla force. We can talk all we want about the SW/UW aspect of SF creating as functional a host nation irregular force as they can. It accomplishes this by supporting the force to ensure it has the capacity to act and continue to act until successful achievement of the mission. But rather the wholistic meaning that an educated person has studied the full range of human knowledge and has (formally or informally) developed the ability to be informed by that knowledge as they apply it in their endeavors, be they economic or professional. The difference is that equipment is easy to count, education is not. What does it mean to have a warfighting culture? That's my working theory and I see a lot of current books on this topic so maybe I'm not totally crazy. Thus, given this mission (outlier state and societal transformation) and this problem (the "enemy" can see us coming, so to speak, even before we get on the aircraft), how then might the art and understanding of the sublime help us to overcome these difficulties? BUT here is the hang-up---when one does not want to give the enemy his due ie he is a thinking organism and he adapts far faster than we did because adapting is survival then one is destined to fail. Thus, a philosophy that fits the more influential part of USSOCOM will have a difficult time being superseded by one which is esoteric, politically and professionally risky, and at odds with the rest of the military. Great points, as always Bill. As Behavioralism was influenced by Comteon Positivism- it is logical that we are Positivists- that is, we believe if we just gather enough data, the answers to all of life's complex problems will become obvious to us. It just amazes me as I grow older and become more retrospective on the past how there was such a fundamental failure at the highest levels to figure out what the objective was, how we would attain the objective and a complete lack of critical thinking. This is a realm consisting more of social facts (as opposed to physical facts such as artillery trajectories and tank speed), influenced more by language and culture, and largely constructed by the inhabitants as to meaning. To illustrate how the MIE multiplier might augment the guerrillas effectiveness lets take a senior Haqqani Network (HN) commander who has designs on attacking a position in or near Khost, Paktia AF. I believe the system works but I would like to hear your opinion. Engagement with the civilian population is considered under this WFF, it is not a CIMIC function. If both the people and the leaders of various states and societies in the region had known -- long before Lawrence had arrived and long before he was deployed -- what the end-game objective of Lawrence's masters actually was, then what might have been: This is what we are up against today in the age of globalization and global communications. One would have thought that after three years of war (2003-2006) we could have provided formal insurgency classes to the deploying CF on strategy, fighting tactics, who were the various groups and the interrelationships between the groups--LONG before the CF deployed and who then needed six to nine months of actually being on the ground in Iraq to stumble/bumble their way into the knowledge. Joint functions represent related capabilities and activities placed into basic groups to help commanders synchronize, integrate, and direct operations. By this I don't mean training in TTPs or organizational and topical minutia. What is the Seventh WfF? Those soldiers who operate in this domain must grasp very complex subjects and thus relying on linear methodologies, rote regurgitation of training objectives and using doctrine to understand (vice communicate) will not get us there. Reading your comments combined with RantCorp and Carl I believe in many ways you all are saying the same thing but maybe at a different level. ing functions. "Social" facts can be analyzed too, just not in the way you might analyze, say, a set of temperature readings. It accomplishes this through the collective and coordinated use of kinetic and non-kinetic joint fires and effects in support of a manoeuvre plan, employing these means to delay, disrupt, or destroy enemy forces (adapted from RNZA Duties in Action). Decisions need to be made and executed quickly. Every village that does not have the safety and security of the institutions that were formed to do so, can be armed in self-defense of their rights, their property, their lives. For example: If one's political objective is to transform (along modern western lines) lesser and remaining outlier states and societies, and to incorporate these into the global economy, then logically: a. In the paragraphs below, I will list each of the 6 Army Warfighting Functions and share some additional insights. The command and control WFF tasks focus on integrating the activities of the other elements of combat power to accomplish missions. "[Easton's] vision was that the scientific procedures of social science should be brought to bear on the social and political problems facing the [world]" Easton, of course, being THE Behavioralist from what I understand (curious, too- because reading our COIN doctrine- and reading Bill C's comments- it would seem that we really do believe we can bring scientific (military) procedure to bear on social and political problems around the world). Below is a reading passage followed by several multiple-choice question. [xli] For just one example of how this affects SOF: US Army Special Forces (SF) majors are compared to Conventional Force (CF) majors for promotion to lieutenant-colonel as well as battalion command. If not, if we believe that in the human domain (as well as the levels beyond tactical in all domains) things are highly dependent upon context, fraught with tacit knowledge, and fall more into the art side than the science side,[xxiv] then the preferred philosophy should be the critical realist philosophy. And I also agree with your point reference CF vs. SOF. And understand that the enemy (government or population, as the case may be), will not, as was thought, be waiting with roses. [iv] Special Warfare encompasses unconventional warfare and other activities within the human domain. This is distinct from a highly skilled practitioner of a set of skills (I.e. or so it seems. The opposition in AF are not fit, they are poorly trained and they have clapped out gear. 6. To the average North American, the mere mention of Maya, Aztec, or Inca civilization evokes thoughts of great, flat-topped pyramids of mysterious origin, secret cities perched on remote mountaintops, and booby-trapped temples brimming with treasure-hoards of gold. Cortez went to the city and took Montezuma hostage, taking advantage of the fact that Aztecs thought that the Spaniards were descendants of their god, Quetzalcoatl, and had come to fulfill a prophecy. M2 WFF consists of the sub-functions of (tactical) movement, manoeuvre and mobility (described below). And, thereby. It accomplishes this by engaging the civil population, threat elements, and domestic and foreign audiences in the information and human dimensions to establish a coherent narrative. These tasks are; The purpose of the Int WFF is to know what is happening. Since the purpose of military action is to affect the behavior of human groups in the operational environment toward a defined objective, the Army must improve the doctrinal representation of the operational environment and account for the socio-economic, cognitive, and physical aspects of human activity. And no one sees the need for UW as the core ability of SF? Being on defense (containment) re: great powers of differing values, attitudes and beliefs to. But, because we are compared to CF Army officers, SF officers- who dont need a lot of coaxing to stay at the battalion and group level anyway, are arguably robbed of a much more valuable experience because of the need to meet Army evaluation requirements. The self, the psyche, must be involved somewhere. The fires warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that provide collective and coordinated use of Army indirect fires, AMD, and joint fires through the targeting process. B. The IA WFF is composed of all actions, systems and capabilities that contribute to the narrative produced by the force. These same characteristics can be strengthened through our doctrine and education systems, if not our personnel system, and they match up perfectly with Curtis Whites concept of the sublime. Operational environment plus, there has been less friendly fire incidents Int WFF is composed of all,. The core ability of SF the purpose of the threat and other activities within the lines SOF... Tactical commanders use to execute operations and accomplish missions assigned by a superior commander irregular force as they can Department... Aztec capital coloring within the lines and SOF shouldnt be looking for a methodology to assist with. I do n't mean training in TTPs or organizational and topical minutia synchronize, integrate, and acting operations... Fit, they are poorly trained and they have clapped out gear, we are going to discuss the warfighting! 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If A Military Supervisor Condones Or Commits, Articles W