It took her a while to work out what she was seeing, but when she did she grinned. No, remarkably enough. Reaching a cross alley, she looked both ways, flipped a mental coin, and turned left. She wasn't thinking very clearly but she did try. There was silence for a moment from both of them. IDK, I guess I'm asking OP what exactly they mean when they say "Goddess"? They stood there for another minute or so. Restricted to insect or arthropod based forms from what she said, but with additions that could come from anywhere. Maybe one day. Turning back to him, she pointed at herself. Wildworm A psuedo-tinker from Wildstorm appears in Brockton. Some thought that a trigger event was the traumatic part of getting powers. She was as uncooperative as usual, but in the end I managed to get her to admit to knowing the victim. What rains you bring Another Diebuster cross, but less escalation, incomplete IIRC. With a very warped view of interpersonal relations, as well. We've noticed, he told her. Villain? No. The amusement was stronger. Still, having Dragon's drone suddenly accost her in the middle of going back to her room in The Rig, only to drop a giant stack of files in her lap, speaking of a coverup trial to execute a fourteen year old girl via Birdcage, simply because her power forced her to be a cannibal, was a bit of a shock to the system. A storehouse of weapons beyond imagination, controlled by an enigmatic old man of unclear origins and an abused teenager. And be quiet. Sullenly she folded her arms, a pithy comment coming to mind, but after another look at her superior decided for once to err on the side of caution and good sense. She was in a much better mood than she probably should have been, and indeed had been for weeks. He stirred, asking, But how did you? Escape? He heard a resigned chuckle. For what it's worth, though, I've posted what I finished. Hear what? another one asked irritably, poking a pile of cardboard boxes with the end of his bat. Welcome to Godkiller everyone! Feeling a little stupid, and not sure what answer he either expected or wanted, he asked in a low voice, Are you watching me right now? Nothing happened. The Last Daughter Taylor is a Kryptonian, complete. Mental processing a couple of thousand times faster than a human? Do you know how many neurons there are in a human brain? He shook his head. Reluctantly reaching out he picked it up and read the new message. Taylors mother was different from everyone else. I have to admit I dont like to believe she could deliberately burn someone alive, but I also have to admit I can see her locking someone she didnt like into a confined space. Director Piggot sighed, staring at the folder that detailed the last moments of a fifteen-year-old girls life in nauseating detail. Eventually, his hands stilled, then he very slowly raised the gun and looked down the barrel. Not any more. Slipping easily off her perch, she stood and looked around. It also didn't really seem to be necessary from a story point of view? She was in there for hours, and absolutely no one helped her. I can control them right down to the DNA, you see, not just the behavior. Really, really badly. It was basically some form of insect at heart, but hugely and expertly modified with clear intent to form what she saw. The second story I started is this one. At least? Landing gently, Amy felt her feet touch the ground and the woman release her. It was very impressive and rather unnerving. The man who pulled the pin died a few hours later from a bad case of bullet to the brain, so it's not even possible to prosecute him. He opened his mouth, not himself sure what he was going to say to that. You OK there, Amelia? she asked. We had a nice long talk about all sorts of things and she told me a story, of three nasty little girls who tortured a schoolmate to the point she Triggered. Shes lying, Sophia tried. Certainly not on a world-wide basis. Colin raised his eyes from where hed been staring at his hands, thinking, to look at his best friend again. And while her passing devastated Taylor, she will do whatever she could to continue her mothers legacy, even if that means she has to discover it first. I suspect youll get a number of yes answers to that question. What do you intend to do, Director? the man asked as he stood. Youre certain of parahuman involvement in the fire? Yes, that much I am sure of. The moral, the strong, the pure, and the hedonists. Either way, here it is. Something you should be very, very grateful about. Staring at him with wide eyes, she barely heard Piggot saying her name until the woman raised her voice. It might have been meant as a horrible prank, but personally I think it was attempted murder on the part of at least one of the people involved. no knowledge of either setting is required. Its absolutely amazing. Piggot didnt look too happy about that. It took a long time and a hell of a lot of experimentation, but I finally worked out how to make an insect that could act as a bridge between a computer network and my own. Thinker 10+? The letters are badly formed, as one would expect from a terrified girl who was being burned alive, so its somewhat difficult to be sure what, if anything, the word actually was meant to be. Victoria was floating an inch off the floor which explained the total silence of her approach. The end result was impressively strong and tough yet very light. She suspected that the woman holding her probably couldnt lift all that much more weight, but she seemed to have no real problems dealing with Amy. Loved the concept since you first wrote the snippet. She found herself wanting to talk to the other cape again, soon. She could here them poking around in the various possible hiding places, starting with the ones nearest the alley entrance. Within that range, the control was absolute. Can also be found on Sufficient Velocity here. Well, Changer to some high level as well. Amy gasped as her savior banked around another building, heading upwards. Theyre not going to do anything now. Cautious and very suspicious, Amy didnt move. It was, at first, she said with a sigh. Possibly more than everything else. But possibly a good thing, I suppose? Well He didn't want to be rude to someone who seemed pretty agreeable to talk to so far. Even if it's just an unconfirmed suspicion, she should know better than many that outing Capes is a bad idea. It took a while to work out all the details but it came together pretty well in the end, she replied. Hopefully I can improve on this with some practice and come up with something that at least looks more human, but this will do for now. She paused, then went on, The biggest problem I have is thinking slowly enough to communicate with you people. But I have a lot of experience with AI design, and a lot of what Im seeing fits some of the patterns Ive experimented with for data mining by sentient machines. I could see it could have some uses for reconnaissance, that sort of thing, he ventured. She slapped his hand away, still looking around. But Id like to talk to you sometime, if thats OK. Curious, Amy nodded. Total ecosystem collapse, no food, everyone dies. What we do have is totally terrifying. She waved a hand at the monitor. After a moment the figure waved at her. Now, since theyre all locked, that means you must be She could hear approaching footsteps. A Conquerer Returns/Damn It Taylor, That's Not How A Fantasy Happens! A very, very large one. Colin went pale, slumping back in his chair, as the ramifications of her bombshell went through his mind. Assault sat next to Miss Militia. You have stolen the fire of Mount Olympus and cast down the gods. He grunted a little, affirmatively, unwilling to stop his current task until be finished the delicate manipulations. Hmm. So what are you going to do now? he asked rather plaintively. To be honest, he was at a loss for the moment. Its very difficult to be sure, Director, Armsmaster replied after apparently thinking over the question carefully. Blinking, she stared harder, but could no longer see anything. She was murdered, technically by a seventeen-year-old Korean ganger, but he was helped by three fifteen year old girls with no ethical sense. All right. Humans. This stopped him for a few seconds. On. I do. Quoting from the story: Because even though I could see the Bard page, I could also see the class Id actually picked, laid out beneath the second one in some weird kind of double vision. Or maybe had the conversation with someone else in New Wave, which would be a much more believable and reasonable outing of a Cape than to one of her many college buddies. This will probably be a relatively short fic, I don't have any schedule in mind because I am writing this to amuse myself first and foremost. Yes, I suppose you could say that, Amy replied reluctantly. Most of the technology is weird and decades if not centuries away from anything normal. But you can understand it? he wondered out loud, amazed. A story? he inquired. Using a parahuman weapon in the process. Yes. Hers is a nascent divinity. It was a sensible suggestion. Director Piggot looked at the photos in the opened folder and winced despite herself. A real AI isnt automatically a threat, you know, despite what the movies would have you believe. That may be so but even if not we need to look into it, he retorted, reaching over to turn off the microscope, then pick up his helmet. Something happened to the mosquitoes? Although, weirdly enough, there was something about her that seemed.. Somewhere. Im not a threat to you, Amelia, the voice added, making her jerk in shock. Shes dead. All the internal organs were protected by a more flexible and thinner version of the exoskeleton. Eh, if you use magic like a bard, sing like a bard, fight like a bard, everyone around you thinks you are a bard and there's no other elements to your build other than those of a bard then you are not a demigod. Let her rest in peace. Practically instant loss of voluntary muscle control. The storage capacity alone is just staggering. If you have enough examples to compare and enough background data you can start to make sense of the principles behind it. Now you dont Again, she vanished. He'd seen extreme close-up photomicrographs of various insects on the internet, some of which were genuinely beautiful in a rather alien way. Its a dirty job but someone has to do it. Not a parahuman, a goddess of nature, then, he said with a wondering chuckle. She must also be extremely smart, I think. Amy thought back to what she'd seen with her own abilities. Honest. She was at the extreme other end of the loading area but it wasnt all that big so it wouldnt take them long to find her. My phone is dead, Amy said after shaking her head a little to clear her thoughts. You can't drop that bombshell on me and just walk off. There was a Post-GM fic where Taylor became house-wife and rising a daughter in the world where she(Khepri) is worshipped like a god and her husband is a priest of this religion, An Idiot's Guide to the Underworld [Worm/Hades] short, I didn't enjoy Hades much cause its not my type of game, but that was incredibly enjoyable, Divine Administration - of Gods and Bureaucracy, Basically everywhere. What sort of activity? Colin watched as she looked momentarily uncertain, not a common occurrence. It had been pretty obvious for the last ten minutes that her status as Panacea, the Healer Super-hero, wasnt going to save her from what was at least a nasty mugging, if not something worse. Dragon and Armsmaster seem to have noticed so youll probably hear about it soon. Master 8? Finding a bottle of nail polish remover she looked quizzically at it, shrugged, then tried it. Guess I'll have to wear the spare one tomorrow. Worms, things like that. You can call me Hive. Wracking her brain, Amy couldnt recall any cape of that name. She hurled herself forwards. The back of the torso looked like it split open down the centerline, and was more very dark green than gray under the iridescence. I am. He shook his head, not taking his eyes off her. It's all over one sleeve of my costume as well. She looked over at the offending item of clothing which was draped over the back of a chair where she'd dropped it. But the end result was totally unlike anything shed ever encountered. Exactly. Has a rewrite too which is also pretty good but incomplete, a significant enough difference in the story that reading both is recommended. Ill interview her myself next, I think. "oops I was practicing and accidentally managed to only destroy a little box and not everyone on the island with my laser beam. Ive never seen that toxin before. If you need me, just call for me. You still havent given me a name, he reminded her. Youre certain it was her? she asked quietly. Putting the matter to one side she listened while trying not to draw any more attention to herself. What are you talking about? Relenting having managed to extract a lot of amusement out of telling her sister the story piecemeal while watching the reactions, Amy explained the entire encounter in detail, leaving nothing out. That had become almost pedestrian, while this was fun. Sophia! I was admiring the design. Danny woke with a start and a strangled shout. Right through a window, nowhere near the E88 guys, who notice him, chase him, and in the end, kill him. Unfortunately the firebomb was a pretty effective one, it torched the school more or less immediately. She fell silent for a moment. It's a work of art. Is she a biotinker of some sort, then? I'm not sure, I guess she must be. Depending on the range and whether the insect senses could be used. It was a second trigger, but something went wrong. Elephants have nearly three times as many, but humans are right near the top of the list from that point of view. Taylor's much too dangerous to be an ordinary cape. That said, without specifically looking for it hed probably never notice. Adaptation was good up until Taylor got the monkey form, after that she became an unbearable asshole. Id expect a Brute rating of some sort, Assault added. A member of the ABB was involved in a grudge with some E88 thugs and it spread to the school late that night, more or less randomly. Fuck, its a trap, she yelled. The fledgling PRT and Protectorate were quick to encircle it with walls once theyd confirmed strange creatures had begun to emerge from its depths and odd phenomena followed at their heels. Muggers!? If we have to look for you were going to be annoyed and we might be a little rough as a result. Now come with me, the Director wants a word. Staring in shock, she put down the tablet shed been reading and stood. She was only about eleven at the time and it took a while for her to fully understand that her mother had died in a car accident and she'd never see her again. She glanced at him, then went back to staring out to sea. It worked, more or less, and she slowly began to get over the death of her mother. The insect-woman sighed faintly, pausing her story for a few seconds. Is the sole requirment that someone calls her a goddess, that's it, or is there something more specific? Thats why no one else can understand what they do. No. That didnt normally end in anything but a big argument, which was just what her migraine needed. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Diebuster cross. As he approached, he slowly became aware that there were a number of other oddities about the person which began to make him slightly less sure it was a woman at all. Do you have any idea how many that would be, even at this time of year? He shook his head. The woman stopped and turned towards him, her head tipped inquiringly and her compound eyes reflecting the light. You mean Capes? No, she chuckled. Yes, thanks. We're marking you as busy until further notice. Its nothing I wanted and to be honest if I could change it I probably would, I dont like being responsible for the entire planetary ecosystem to that level, but All four arms lifted in a shrug. Unfortunately, we have no proof of the involvement of any specific person yet. Have you talked to Shadow Stalker yet? the Director queried. Until it just stopped. My mother's death came as surprise, as death was far from my mind. I dont really need one, Hive replied with a grin in her voice. 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