sebastian kadener lab

In the lab of Dr. William Kinlaw, Leslie studied lipid metabolism in breast cancer cells. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Online. Pamudurti N., Bartok O., Jens O., Ashwal-Fluss R., Stottmeister C., Ruhe L., Hanan M., Wyler E., Perez-Hernandez D., Ramberger E., Shenzis S., Samson M., Dittmar G., Landthaler M., Chekulaeva M., Rajewsky N. and Kadener S. Translation of circRNAs. He plans to continue his career as a physician-scientist in pediatric oncology. Maddie received her MS and BS in Biology from Brandeis University in 2021. Lacadie S.A., Tardiff D.F., Kadener S. and Rosbash M. In vivo commitment to yeast cotranscriptional splicing is sensitive to transcription elongation mutants. Previously, Kadener was a Professor in the Biological Chemistry department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Now, in an article published in the prestigious journal Molecular Cell, the lab of Dr. Sebastian Kadener at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in collaboration with the lab of Prof.. In response to tissue damage reagents such as paraquat and bleomycin, TrpA1 mediates calcium influx, which in turn activates Ras/MAPK pathway and induces stem cell proliferation. He received his BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 2022 from Dickinson College in Carlisle Pennsylvania. Now the stage is set for the most exciting questions, which we are currently working in the lab, by combining molecular, computational and RNA biology with advances techniques in genetics and neurosciences. 2012- Lab manager at Ami Citri laboratory at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2010- 2012 Postdoc at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at Sebastian Kadener Lab; research topic-studying neodegenerative diseases using fruit flies as a model 2000-2003 Research assistant at QBI company; I was part of research Ultimately, the knowledge gained from these studies will generate testable hypotheses related to disease states such as diabetes, aging, and cancer, i.e., how biological processes observed in one tissue/organ (e.g., decreased cellular metabolism, mitochondrial dysfunction) may influence processes observed in a different tissue/organ. Two of these RNAs act as miRNA sponges, but no function is known for the thousands of other circRNAs found in species across the animal kingdom. Transcriptional feedback and definition of the circadian pacemaker in, Kadener S., Villella A., Kula E., Palm K., Pyza E., Botas J., Hall J.C. and Rosbash M. Neurotoxic protein expression reveals connections between the circadian clock and mating behavior in. Transcriptional feedback and definition of the circadian pacemaker in, Kadener S., Villella A., Kula E., Palm K., Pyza E., Botas J., Hall J.C. and Rosbash M. Neurotoxic protein expression reveals connections between the circadian clock and mating behavior in. for mining and comparison of single-cell RNA-seq data across species. Jens is co-mentored by Dr. David Jones at the DKFZ. She also loves bagels and is always on the hunt for the best bagel. Fededa J.P., Petrillo E., Gelfand M.S., Neverov A.D., Kadener S., Nogues G., Pelisch F., Baralle F.E., Muro A.F. Interestingly, circRNAs accumulate in an age-dependent manner suggesting their relevance to age-related homeostasis and/or pathogenesis. Further, our work and that of others has suggested functions of these moleculesin vivo. This plasticity is the result of the existence of very efficient input pathways that convey the external signals into the core oscillator machinery. Mezan S., Ashwal-Fluss R., Shenhav R., Garber M. and Kadener S. Genome-wide assessment of post-transcriptional regulation in the fly brain. View 129 related references Ask authors/readers for more resources. I am studying potential applications of the CRISPR/Cas13 system. Alternative splicing regulates biogenesis of miRNAs located across exon-intron junctions. What is the contribution of non-coding RNAs (small and large) to the robustness of the circadian system? Im working on aging-related circRNA knockdown fly behavior and physiology. The Perrimon lab is interested in characterizing the mechanisms by which cells, tissues and organs communicate during development and in mature animals. Eric received his medical degree in 2016 and defended his PhD thesis in 2018. Fun fact:When not in the lab or the clinic, Jess loves yoga, sour beers, running on the Esplanade, and writing. Sebastian Kadener. 312. Molecular Neurobiology and RNA metabolism. DIOPT has been well received by the scientific community and has been integrated into FlyBase, PomBase, MARRVEL (Model organism Aggregated Resources for Rare Variant ExpLoration) and AGR (Alliance of Genome Resources); integrates annotation information for orthologs of multiple species in unified interfaces; allows scientists to mine the validation and phenotype data for. Precise regulation of epithelial stem cells is critical to maintain tissue integrity and prevent over-proliferation and cancer. What are the key functions of these molecules in the brain and during aging? What are the neural and molecular basis of temperature adaptation and compensation? Moreover, in 2019, we were funded to function as the Drosophila Research and Screening Center-Biomedical Technology Research Resource (DRSC-BTRR), which focuses on development of new screening and other technologies. From 2002 to 2008, Sebastian Kadener was a postdoc working in the Michael Rosbash laboratory. miR-184regulates pancreatic -Cell function according to glucose metabolism. In the Bandopadhay Lab, Marissa is working to study drivers of Diffuse Midline Gliomas, including the mechanisms through which MYC isoforms are activated. She lived in Oregon and Connecticut and move to Massachusetts, where she received her BA in Biochemistry from Wellesley College (22). These esg>yki gut tumors induce organ wasting by secreting the insulin binding protein ImpL2 into the hemolymph, which reduces insulin signaling in peripheral tissues. Kadener S., Fededa J.P., Rosbash M. and Kornblihtt A.R. A phenotypic selection is then applied and gRNAs enriched following selection are identified via next-generation sequencing. Control of alternative pre-mRNA splicing by RNA Pol II elongation: faster is not always better. From a number of screens (receptome-wide RNAi screen, miRNA screens, etc. Hanan M, Simchovitz A, Yayon N, Vaknine S, Cohen-Fultheim R, Karmon M, Madrer N, Rohrlich TM, Maman M, Bennett ER, Greenberg DS, Meshorer E, Levanon EY, Soreq H, Kadener S. Past, present, and future of circRNAs. There, she studied the oncogenic role of certain signaling molecules in the Hedgehog signaling pathway, and became extremely interested in advancing cancer therapy research. SRCP: a comprehensive pipeline for accurate annotation and quantification of circRNAs. Litovchenko M, Meireles-Filho ACA, Frochaux MV, Bevers RPJ, Prunotto A, Anduaga AM, Hollis B, Gardeux V, Braman VS, Russeil JMC, Kadener S, Dal Peraro M, Deplancke B. Host-derived circular RNAs display proviral activities in Hepatitis C virus-infected cells. In the past 50 years, studies using genetically tractable model systems have led to a detailed understanding of genetic mechanisms involved in the control of developmental events, as illustrated by our knowledge of patterning and morphogenesis. Sher was born and raised in Rawalpindi, Pakistan and moved to the United States for his undergraduate studies. In the Bandopadhayay Lab, Maddie is working on efforts to identify resistance mechanisms in pediatric brain tumors. The tagged endogenous proteins can then be isolated for further analysis by MS. To analyze protein-protein interactions or identify components that localize to discrete subcellular compartments, we developed tools based on. I am analyzing the effect of circRNA on aging in Drosophila, majoring in biochemistry and neuroscience. In the Bandopadhayay Lab, Anna will be expanding her skills to apply genomic approaches to understand the mechanisms through which gliomas develop, and to develop strategies to overcome therapeutic resistance. In a collaboration with Sebastian Kadener's lab at Brandeis, we generated a new set of PspCas13b and RfxCas13d expression constructs that can be used to target RNA in cells and in vivo. Fun fact: Maddie is a multimedia artist and during quarantine, Maddie collaged all of the wooden furniture in her apartment. bioRxiv 2023.02.20.529262; doi: Copyright 2023 The President and Fellows of Harvard College. Our lab is interested in determining how molecular and neural circadian components regulate each other and generate a system that is both robust and plastic. In mature animals, cells and organs interact to maintain homeostasis and coordinate their physiological roles. We use Drosophila as a model system to characterize the mechanisms underlying communication between cells, tissues, and organs. Chem. She immediately transitioned into a PhD program, still working with Dr. Swartling to continue her work on mouse models and medulloblastoma treatments. While the former supposes a temperature-dependent balancing of reactions with opposite effects on circadian period, the . Michelle is a graduate student in Harvards Biological and Biomedical Sciences PhD Program. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. Mezan S., Ashwal-Fluss R., Shenhav R., Garber M. and Kadener S. Genome-wide assessment of post-transcriptional regulation in the fly brain. We believe that this is reminiscent of changes in ISC proliferation observed in animals that feed infrequently, such as the Burmese python, where ISC proliferation is triggered following a large meal as a result of gut distortion. Media. A polar mechanism coordinates different regions of alternative splicing within a single gene. A Biblioteca Virtual em Sade uma colecao de fontes de informacao cientfica e tcnica em sade organizada e armazenada em formato eletrnico nos pases da Regio Latino-Americana e do Caribe, acessveis de forma universal na Internet de modo compatvel com as bases internacionais. Fun in the Lab. Ashwal-Fluss R., Meyer M., Pamudurti N.R., Ivanov A., Bartok O., Evantal N., Hanan M., Memczak S., Rajewsky N.* and Kadener S.* CircRNA biogenesis and canonical splicing compete with each other. Despite the importance of antibodies in biology study, antibodies are not available for most fly proteins. Feel free to send suggestions. Rabin A, Zaffagni M, Ashwal-Fluss R, Patop IL, Jajoo A, Shenzis S, Carmel L, Kadener S. Extensive tissue-specific expression variation and novel regulators underlying circadian behavior. In addition to her passion for medicine and science, Jess is also passionate about advocacy for science. Among the next significant questions to address are how complex phenotypes arise in the context of the whole organism and how the programs regulating these phenotypes are influenced by genetic background and environment. Our lab is interested in determining how molecular and neural circadian components regulate each other and generate a system that is both robust and plastic. Lic. Derr A, Yang C, Zilionis R, Sergushichev A, Blodgett DM, Redick S, Bortell R, Luban J, Harlan DM, Kadener S, Greiner DL, Klein A, Artyomov MN, Garber M. End Sequence Analysis Toolkit (ESAT) expands the extractable information from single-cell RNA-seq data. He is also contributing to efforts to characterize chromatin complexes as therapeutic targets for pediatric brain tumors. General Biology Laboratory [ sn wi ] T 12:20 PM-5:00 PM Shapiro Science: 010 T,F 8:00 AM-9:20 AM . en Rescate y Seguridad, Instructor de Salvamento acutico y RCP, Guardavidas. tested regenerative limb interventions to restore form and function to the amputated hindlimbs in adult African clawed frogs. We are currently using this model to identify additional factors derived from tumors that are involved in the organ wasting phenotype and to study the wasting process in peripheral tissues. * Corresponding authors. Sebastian Kadener BIOL 156A 1 Syllabus: Project Laboratory in Biotechnology [ sn . The Kadener laboratory studies how molecular processes in the brain determines behavior with a special emphasis on RNA metabolism. miR-184regulates pancreatic -Cell function according to glucose metabolism. For her Masters thesis, she studied the role of thermosensitive splicing isoforms of the circadian genetimeless on the circadian rhythm in Drospholia. Pandey V., Turm H., Bekenstein U., Shifman S. and Kadener S. A new. Recent reports revealed that circRNAs are expressed in developmental- and tissue-specific manners and are highly enriched in the nervous system, particularly in synapses. Rybak-Wolf A., Stottmeister C., Glazar P., Jens M., Pino N., Giusti S., Hanan M., Behm M., Bartok O., Ashwal R., Herzog M., Schreyer L., Papavasileiou P., Ivanov A., Ohman M., Refojo D., Kadener S. and Rajewsky N. Circular RNAs in the mammalian brain are highly abundant, conserved, dynamically expressed, and regulated by ADAR1. Contact. We are particularly interested on the role of circular RNAs (circRNAs) at the molecular and neural levels as well as the mechanisms underlying circadian clocks. Its very important for us! Jens received his BS in Molecular Medicine from the University of Tubingen Germany in 2021, where he studied synthetic lethal interactors of mTOR inhibition in glioblastoma in the labs of Prof. Ghazaleh Tabatabai and Dr. Daniel Merk. I am a PhD student in the lab since 2018 after graduating from The College of Wooster. Second, we identified 53 transcription factors, specifically expressed or enriched in the ISCs, and are characterizing how they cooperate to integrate signal inputs. Dana joined the Bandopadhayay Lab in 2021 where is she working to apply single-cell methods to evaluate the heterogeneity of pediatric gliomas, and to understand spatial associations. Our most popular tools are: DIOPT, an integrative tool for ortholog predictions among major model organisms. What are the general mechanism of the circadian clock to deal with genetic and/or environmental perturbations? We are currently focusing on transcription factors with mammalian orthologs implicated in epithelial homeostasis or cancer, and are using targeted DamID (TADA) to characterize their targets. She is also working to evaluate the role of altered metabolic signaling to driving formation of pediatric tumors such as Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Gliomas. Zaffagni M, Kadener S. NEAT1 is overexpressed in Parkinson's disease substantia nigra and confers drug-inducible neuroprotection from oxidative stress. Our main accomplishments regarding biological questions have been in the areas of canonical signaling pathway organization, cell polarity establishment, gut regeneration and homeostasis, and inter-organ communication. She is the Co-Director of Research for a non-profit, the STEM Advocacy Institute, which is focused on building a future where there is equitable access and exposure to science for all people. Anna developed a fascination for cancer biology while working towards her bachelors degree at Lund University, Sweden. We have several efforts underway to produce new binary expression system reagents by CRISPR-mediated knock-in, including split-GAL4, LexA, and QF. Ines Patop. Proximity labeling utilizes enzymes that generate reactive radicals to covalently tag neighboring proteins. Sebastian Kadener Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem Martin Anduaga, A., Evantal, N., Patop, I. L., Bartok, O., Weiss, R. and Kadener, S. (2019). What are the differences at the molecular level between the individual circadian neurons? Olivia worked in two labs during her time at WashU: Dr. Natalie Muellers paleoethnobotany lab where she analyzed plant samples from Late Archaic food sites in modern-day Mississippi, and Dr. Crickette Sanzs Digital Lab for Primatology where she studied captive and wild chimpanzee ecology and ontogeny. Software. He then pursued a PhD in chemistry at Caltech (17) under the mentorship of Dr. Jackie Barton. As miR-183, the human ortholog of miR-263a, also regulates ENaC, our findings suggest miR-183 might be used as a treatment for CF. Circadian clocks are remarkably robust: they are able to keep time without timing cues and are resilient to large variations in environmental conditions. We demonstrated that shRNAs are more efficient and specific than long dsRNA when expressed as transgenes, and generated a genome scale collection of >13,000 lines covering 75% of the genome in our optimized VALIUM vectors (85% of highly conserved genes). Acquiring answers to these fascinating questions requires a deep understanding of the mechanisms by which cells integrate signals received from their inner selves, neighboring cells, other organs and the environment. RNA biology Neurosciences., Department of Biology Volen 206MS 008 Brandeis University 415 South Street Waltham, MA 02453. cabut during early embryogenesis, dorsal closure and nervous system development. Stelzer Y., Bar S., Bartok O., Afik S., Ronen D., Kadener S.* and Benvenisty N.* Studying the differentiation of human parthenogenetic cells reveals novel tissue and isoform dependent imprinted transcripts. Alexander M. van der Linden, Matthew Beverly, Sebastian Kadener, Joseph Rodriguez, Sara Wasserman, Michael Rosbash, Piali Sengupta. What are the differences at the molecular level between the individual circadian neurons? Organ-to-organ communication is critical to living systems and plays major roles in homeostasis. Selected for Faculty of 1000 (Factor 3 Recommended). The current model postulates that circadian oscillators keep time by complex transcriptional and post-transcriptional feedback loops. A defining property of circadian clocks is temperature compensation, characterized by the resilience of circadian free-running periods against changes in environmental temperature. Wittenbrink N, Ananthasubramaniam B, Mnch M, Koller B, Maier B, Weschke C, Bes F, de Zeeuw J, Nowozin C, Wahnschaffe A, Wisniewski S, Zaleska M, Bartok O, Ashwal-Fluss R, Lammert H, Herzel H, Hummel M, Kadener S, Kunz D, Kramer A. Levin-Klein R., Fraenkel S., Lichtenstein M., Matheson L., Bartok O., Nevo Y., Kadener S., Corcoran A., Cedar H., Bergman Y. Working under the mentorship of Dr. Beth Lawlor, April focused on understanding how hijacking of normal developmental pathways lead to heterogeneity and cell state plasticity in Ewing sarcoma. Are circRNAs involved in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases? For example, little is understood about how the simultaneous growth and differentiation of different tissues and organs are coordinated and how the development of different cell types and tissues is integrated within an organ. Biogenesis and functions of circular RNAs. Sayan is a graduate student in the Molecular and Cell Biology program at Brandeis and he is investigating the role of circRNA in aging and neurodegeneration. Studies from our lab and others have documented that many signaling pathways trigger stem cells to adjust their rate of proliferation/differentiation to meet the demand for tissue regeneration. We are now using this tool to establish sensors of each signaling pathway involved in gut homeostasis, and will use these reagents to examine pathway crosstalk. A slow RNA polymerase II affects alternative splicing in vivo. UAS-gypsy structure and functional test. What are the neural and molecular basis of temperature adaptation and compensation? We have also generated stable nuclease-dead Cas9 activator (dCas9a) cell lines that can be used, after transfection with gRNAs, to perform overexpression screens - thus complementing loss of function screens. In this context, the most important question looking forward are: Afik S. 1, Bartok O. Adam grew up in Ethiopia and moved to Bremen, Germany where he received his B.Sc and M.Sci in Biochemistry and Cell Biology from Jacobs University which was his very first exposure to the exciting field of epigenetics. Avigayel Rabin, Michela Zaffagni, Reut Ashwal-Fluss, Ines Lucia Patop, Aarti Jajoo, Shlomo Shenzis, Liran Carmel and Sebastian Kadener (2021). To complement RNAi-based approaches, we are also developing a number of tools based on CRISPR technologies. Site developed by Health Communication Core, April received her BS in Cellular and Molecular Biology from Beloit College in 2017, where she worked in the lab of Dr. Amy Briggs studying the role of. In October 2021, Anna defended her PhD thesis (and Mimi had the honor of being her faculty opponent!!). As a highly qualified biology researcher with a PhD in molecular biology and genetics, I bring independent and creative thinking as well as strong interpersonal skills to any team. 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