.collect taxes. The chief executive had exercised his powers, using the military to put down domestic unrest to enforce the law. to increase activity in Boston Harbor the Battle of Yorktown; the Battle of Charlestown, the Battle of Saratoga; the Battle of Camden. Interview a salesperson at a vacation cruise and acquire a description of the average purchaser in demographic terms. 126 & \text{Supplies} & 505 & \text{Cost of Goods Sold}\\ were most concerned with faith and religion. the executive branch He thinks kings get too much money and do harm to the country a. their religions were very different. a close win for Andrew Jackson. Constructing roads is a power that c. Democratic-Republicans Conventions to nominate candidates were no longer public. b. a group of politicians who drafted a petition to protest British taxes sheep They had to be free of American Indians. After King George III rejected the Olive Branch Petition, Parliament passed the Prohibitory Act, which d. states cannot regulate commerce. elect a Republican president. Read this quotation. .American Indians.Asians a. fought on the side of the French. d. pressed Congress for a set of laws that would abolish state banks. The soldiers were tried and punished severely. b. each state should decide for itself the number of representatives it has. The Democratic-Republican Party won control of the Presidency and both houses of Congress for . Which statement is most likely an interpretation of the Second Amendment? He thought the government's military action was a mistake. Jan. 15 - Received payment from Linton Corp. for invoice no. Washington felt that Great Britain should try to stop it, but Jefferson felt that it would end on its own. c. opposition to war. repealed the Tea Act. .c. d. agreed to keep their activities a secret. The 12th Amendment, passed in 1804, addressed concerns that had emerged in the election of 1796 and election of 1800. National parks are very influential role in the economy of the United States because they encourage tourism and create job opportunities. .try people accused of witchcraft. d. goods to be stamped to show tax payments. above the indirect object. c. the Creek defeat by Andrew Jackson The Civil War kept the Union together. c. all states should have same number of congressional representatives. enslaved Indigenous People. B. blocking the renewal of the Second National Bank. c. They attacked settlements in retaliation. To protect individual rights, the Anti-Federalists wanted to Citizens should not have to obey the laws of a government and should only be concerned with their individual rights. Significance of the election of 1800 1) power is peacefully transferred from Federalist Party to the democratic Republican Party 2) ratification of the 12th amendment (changes how electors vote for president) 3) passage of judiciary act 4) eventually leads to current party system Jefferson's inauguration / Marbury v. Madison and result raised the tea tax. The main reason American colonists considered the Stamp Act unfair was that it a. revolutions in Spain. shared power between people and the states During the 1800s, reformer Dorothea Dix primarily worked to to borrow money to repay debts. the Battle of Saratoga; the Battle of Camden c. Europe and North America all states should have same number of congressional representatives. used reason to try to improve people's lives. as artisans or dockhands. The election of 1800 marked the first time a US president was chosen by (C) the House of Representatives. a. capturing Fort Lee. Jan. 13 - Paid in full Gallagher Co. on account less a 2% discount. to isolate Boston by closing its harbor The digital collections of the Library of Congress contain a wide variety of material associated with the presidential election of 1800, including manuscripts, broadsides, newspapers, and government documents. British defeats in Long Island and Fort Lee, colonial victories in Trenton, Princeton, and Saratoga. It affected people only in the Americas. Both Clay and Jackson served in public office in the 1800s, In the 1700s, James Watt caused a revolution in transportation by improving One of Alexander Hamilton's goals to help US finances was In England during the 1600s, the Society of Friends was persecuted for beliefs that included .The Articles of Confederation did not provide farmers and soldiers with enough money. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions 1798 b. cheap goods, more jobs, pollution .d. the development of colonies. the boat on which the Pilgrims sailed to New England. enslaved people's activities were restricted. As coauthors of the "Federalist Papers," Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay all a. the state governments have. Which of the following did the Intolerable Acts require? Jefferson thought the government should do all of these EXCEPT spies on its citizens. Through his intermediaries, the French foreign minister Talleyrand demanded a large bribe ($12 Million) to even begin talks, Publication of the XYZ Affair in American newspapers aroused public outrage and led to a Quasi-War against France in the Caribbean, Collective name given to four acts passed by Congress in 1798 that curtailed freedom of speech and the liberty of foreign residents in the US, gave the president the power to deport immigrants that he deemed "dangerous" during peace time and deport or imprison foreigners in times of war. Which group greatly benefited from John Deere's invention? He delivered the new Constitution to Great Britain as an ambassador. Each of the children in the preschool bring\underline{\text{bring}}bring (brings) his or her own lunch. related to molasses, which was an everyday item. George Washington and the Federalist Party What reform to voting procedures followed the Panic of 1819? The northern states would benefit most from this part of Hamilton's plan, What were some reactions and outcomes to Hamilton's economic plan, a deal was made between Hamilton and Jefferson & Madison. Unicameral Compromise. d. building new cities such as Jamestown. or to speak or print anything "false, scandalous, and malicious" against the govt. What challenge did President George Washington face regarding the executive branch? The Dominion of New England ended in the American colonies. Both Clay and Jackson served in public office in the 1800s. authors were afraid the resolutions could be used against them in the next election. c. He needed someone to oversee it. The eventual winner was decided only after days of balloting in the House of Representatives. d. support of slavery. was an indirect tax that was hard to protest. the American Indians were able to overtake General Jackson's forces. .Both believed that France should settle its internal problems without outside intervention. . Triangular Trade routes involved shipments of raw materials, finished goods, and enslaved There was a widespread outbreak of the flu virus in Ireland. The law restricted them from buying tea. George Mason. a. The process of amending the Constitution is difficult, and it happens rarely. The settlers captured American Indians to use as enslaved labor. the federal government cannot tax states. The law made tea difficult to buy. \end{array} What was required in order for this Congress to pass a measure? an individual's right to trial Read the argument from an argumentative essay. took only days to travel. The American System promised to help transport crops to northern markets a. moved to a different area. a clear thesis, a detailed outline, and a strong conclusion d. improving conditions for women workers. a. the judicial system. a. describing how smaller groups could rebel against a more powerful group. d. the colonies had too few resources. Jefferson finally won on the 36th vote. Which Anti-Federalist later became president of the United States? b. disappeared from the area I don't feel like eating a fish sandwich, but a salad isn't appetizing neither. How did Great Britain and France place the new United States in the middle of their conflict? The Electoral College voted separately for president and vice president, and they elected a Federalist for president and a . enforce the Alien and Sedition Acts. Which of the following lists the pros named in this paragraph? The Supreme Court case Gibbons v. Ogden showed that Jan. 24 - Purchased merchandise on account from Atchison Corp. $5,100. Jan. 19 - Purchased equipment on account from Dozier Corp.$5,500. The Ohio River Valley was near the coast and offered trade opportunities. What was the significance of the Whiskey Rebellion, treaty signed with Britain in which the US made major concessions to avert a war over the British seizure of American ships. jonathan edwards. took weeks or months to travel. How did the idea of True Womanhood affect the role of women in society in the 1800s? Consequently, the election would have to be decided in the US House of Rep. as per the Constitution. They wanted the United States to remain neutral. In 1606, money to establish the colony of Jamestown was raised by This law also made it harder for immigrants to become citizens by extending the residency requirement for naturalization from 5 to 14 years. traditional Catholic church services. a. were not clearly established took control of the Mississippi River. a. a group of workers and shopkeepers who organized to protest British taxes Pro-British Americans were angered that the US government agreed to trade with Britain Population of the United States as per the 1790 census, The most (heterogeneous) ethnically and religiously diverse region of the nation by 1790, The region of the nation that was the most (homogeneous) similar or uniform in religion and, because it was a poor agricultural area and therefore could not produce cash crops in great abundance, Why was there little need for indentured servants or slave labor in New England, What was a major source of profits for the Mid-Atlantic region, What was the Mid-Atlantic region referred to as, the presence of a large number of African slaves, What was the factor that made the South the most populous region of the United States by 1790, their vast differences in wealth and religious practices, What did the social tensions between backcountry and lowcountry southerners involve, the region from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River, Life in the West was harsh and isolating. c. actively opposed Britain's tax policy. o The US agreed to finally repay pre-Revolutionary War debts owed by Americans to British merchants 101 & \text{Cash} & 401 & \text{Sales Revenue}\\ had different ethnic neighborhoods. .d. Teradene Corporation purchased land as a factory site and contracted with Maxtor Construction to construct a factory. In 1765, Britain's Parliament passed a tax on all colonial newspapers, pamphlets, and other papers. After the French and Indian War, tension between Britain and the colonies What did Jefferson call this idea? enslaved people could enter in legal contracts. Local American Indians refused to obey English law. Why did Tecumseh bring together many American Indian tribes? What did the Monroe Doctrine declare about the United States? serve as commander in chief. .They smuggled goods to avoid customs. .b. The election of 1800 was absolutely wild it had everything from slanderous personal attacks, anonymously written screeds in newspapers, claims that Adams was a monarchist, counter-claims that Jefferson was a radical who favored the lawlessness of the French Revolution and the outcome was eventually decided by the House of Representatives in a Colonists in disguise boarded ships in Boston Harbor and dumped a shipment of tea in the water. Colonial women were most likely involved with the need to remove cotton seeds from cotton fiber The French government ruled the territory. Cash crops such as tobacco and sugar required many workers. A provision of the Treaty of 1818 that expanded the United States also Jan. 15 - Paid semi-monthly salaries of$14,300 to employees. RIGHT the decline of the Federalist Party. During his presidency, Andrew Jackson successfully established Which were two pull factors that drove many European immigrants to America in both the 1600s and the early 1800s?major famines and poverty, In contrast with earlier waves of immigration, many immigrants in the first half of the 1800s came from. how enslaved people's votes should be counted when electing representatives. c. Ireland's potato crop failed due to a disease. How did most American Indians make their living on Spanish missions? It would interfere in European conflicts. One of the most important events in American history, the election of 1800 marked the first time an incumbent presidentone of the Founding Fathers at thatactually lost an election. a. a state's congressional representation should be based on its geographic size. south d. He and his two brothers had ruled Hispaniola harshly. Pitting two clearly opposing parties against each other for the first time, the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans fought in what some historians have called the dirtiest campaign in US politics. a. Thomas Paine suggested in Common Sense that Britain could not rule the American colonies well because d. Europe and South America. the economic gap between indentured servants and enslaved people, the economic gap between rich plantation owners and small farmers. the votes of nine states Both Clay and Jackson belonged to the Democratic Party. joint control of the Oregon Country for ten years the Society of Friends was not welcome. by making a joint statement opposing colonization a. a dishonest Democrat who dealt unfairly with other politicians. On February 17, 1801, Thomas Jefferson is elected the third president of the United States. a. use it to create new kingdoms closed American ports to overseas trade. .He disliked the government's action but felt it was necessary. Equally unfortunately, the same factories that produced jobs also produced pollution. urged ratification of the Constitution. The 1800 election was a rematch between Adams and Jefferson, and to forestall the recurrence of the same situation from the 1796 election, the parties sought to ensure that all their electors were united. b. taking lands from plantation owners. .Columbus forced all native peoples into slavery and brought loads of riches back to Spain. British troops were able to maintain control of the colonies. b. What compromise was crafted between the New Jersey and Virginia plans? (A) by refusing to enforce them remove amendments to the Constitution. The cost of all merchandise sold was 60% of the sales price. rewrite the Constitution. How did the Administration of Justice Act change local government? Columbus helped native peoples wherever he went and learned about their ways of life. removed funds from the bank and deposited them in state banks. by jointly occupying Latin American republics for ten years, by making a joint statement opposing colonization, What agreement did Britain and the United States make in the Treaty of 1818? the Supreme Court is a check against legislative power. The process of sending a noncitizen out of a country is called abolitionist meetings and speeches. Its members were elected by freemen in Pennsylvania. It was a failed plan to eliminate the colonists' right to vote. c. unfair treatment of their representatives. Southerners feared it would lead to the end of slavery. c. Florida for Spain. Which tactic did Charles Townshend use to increase British control of the American colonies? Bearing arms is only for the purpose of hunting. Are the demographic shifts predicted in the text going to increase or decrease the size of this average-purchaser segment? Eventually the Alien and Sedition Laws expired on their own and were not reintroduced by the president or Congress, What was the result/outcome of the Alien and Sedition Acts, declarations that claimed that each state has the right to decide whether a federal law is constitutional; leaders- Jefferson and Madison; raised the issue of states' rights, In the end, the KT and VA Resolutions were not supported by the other states and therefore had no effect on the federal laws, Outcome of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions 1798, settlement reached with France that brought an end to the Quasi-War and released the US from its 1778 alliance with France, going back to the Revolutionary War, severe personal attacks by each candidate- Thomas Jefferson vs. John Adams; The Republicans developed strong part organizations that mobilized voters. c. new cabinet members. defined the status of enslaved persons and the rights of their owners. What happened at the Siege of Boston in 1775? After the Roanoke incident, plans to launch another colony in Virginia started in 1606 when .try people accused of witchcraft..try people accused of witchcraft. c. command military maneuvers. Many wealthy colonists were able to purchase and sell enslaved workers for the first time immediately rejected it. Of more worth is one honest man to society . Why was Columbus sent back to Spain in chains after his third voyage to the Americas? d. the Supreme Court can determine presidential appointments. c. He had failed to make friends with the American Indians. Many of the colonies elected representative assemblies. enslaved people could not be legally punished. A contemporaries of Democratic-Republican activity was started with the election, which marked a political realignment. b. c. the right of the people to check the power of their government. The fishing and shipping industries required many workers. The US and France entered into a trade agreement. d. farmers on the frontier. the national bank Fort Lee, New Jersey It made gatherings, such as town meetings, illegal. to form a new government for the colonies led by Jefferson and Madison and largely consisted of southern planters and backcountry Scots-Irish farmers who preferred an agrarian America. North America. France by printing less currency and selling war bonds used emotion as a guiding principle. The election of 1800 was one of the most bitter, contentious, and fiercely partisan presidential elections in US history. Civil magistrates in Massachusetts set up a special court in 1692 to to practice their religions freely In exchange for southern support for assumption, Hamilton agreed to get northern support for moving the nation's capital to the South, What was the compromise made in reaction to Hamilton's economic plan, literal interpretation of the US Constitution (you cannot expand the Constitution or read anything into it that is not clearly written in the document). The government holds absolute authority and should determine all of the rights of its citizens. Jan. 17 - Received payment from Wheeler for invoice no. The king believed New England needed greater protection from New France. .Pro-French Americans were angered that the US government agreed to trade with Britain They elected Jefferson to be president and Burr to be vice. The US presidential election of 1828 was b. Both state governments and the federal government have the power to How did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 affect slavery? It prohibited teaching enslaved people how to read. Hull House, whichshefounded(2)\overset{(2)}{\underline{\text{which she founded}}}whichshefounded(2) in Chicago in 189918991899, isproviding(3)\overset{(3)}{\underline{\text{is providing}}}isproviding(3) care for the urban poor and homeless. What was unique about Roger Williams's Rhode Island colony? d. a group of delegates who represented the colonists in Parliament, a group of workers and shopkeepers who organized to protest British taxes. a. Cash payments journal with columns for Other Accounts Dr., Accounts Payable Dr., Inventory Cr., and Cash Cr. expanding of the US Constitution using the "elastic clause" (Article 1- Sec. What was the goal of the Boston Port Bill, one of the Intolerable Acts? In 1492, European land routes to Asia a. capturing British forts along the Mississippi River. What were 3 significances of the 1800 election? the state governments and federal government share. gain wealth quickly. an aristocrat who used his connections to gain political support. [is] allowed eight hundred thousand sterling a year . b. elections held in England. Colonists' boycotts of British goods were hurting British trade. The American System promised to help their industries obtain raw materials. Why was Jefferson elected in the Election of 1800? d. seeking an education. There had been too much death and conflict with the American Indians. for indentured servants. He drew a new boundary between French and English colonies. They took over newspapers to make sure their voices were heard. A. use it to create New kingdoms closed American ports to overseas trade renewal of the Port!, New Jersey it made gatherings, such as town meetings, illegal such town! Together many American Indian tribes the Second Amendment its citizens Supplies } 505... 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He and his two brothers had ruled Hispaniola harshly c. all States have.